Participants: Ben Fuller, Katrina Sataki, Lesley Cowley, Alejandra Reynoso, David McAuley, Margarita Valdes, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic
Apologies: Eduardo Santoyo, Stephen Deerhake
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
- Status Quo: Action items (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ccnsowkspc/Action+Items)
- Next steps
- GRC Update in Marrakech
- Next call
1. Status Quo: Action items (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ccnsowkspc/Action+Items)
ccNSO Meeting Guideline
Advice from Tech Group: no information yet. Tech WG is in state of transition. Tech WG may want to revise theri charter to reflect change of nature
ccNSO Meeeting Guideline: look at language; Stephen will send revised version today (11 Jnaury)
Triage Committee charter: Triage committee: to be discussed today
ccNSO R&R: All GRC to send in comments
Comment from David.
Action Ben: Translation of document into plain English.
ccNSO Council meetings: First draft send 21 December.
Action Margarita: Send her initial review to group.
ccNSO Statement: recevied comments from David. Asks why small minority is not defined.
Dejan comment: term in 5.4 is short.
David: If not addressed specifically to be addressed by chair.
Suggestion to create an interpretation comment: considerations and rationale from group
Lesley: no need to define small minority.
Number itself is not only consideration. Soemtimes person with a lot expereince, may be weighted differently.
Should be treated in context of situatiation
Conclusion: no need to define
Look in other documents ( small minority linked to concept of consensus)
2 Next steps
Start with review of the Council election, Board Selection, NomCom appointee appointment, and Liaisons appointment
NomCom team: Dejan and David
Board: David
Other to step put their name forward.
3. GRC Update in Marrakech
- Marrakesh f-2-f meeting: Sunday 6 MArch. 14.30-15.30 local time. Agreed
- 30 minutes slot on Tuesday, during ccNSO meeting
Submit final documents which are ready to Council
David: Start of with comprehensive review
and general, core sections (common to all). Explain Key paragraphs
Ben: check priority of ccTLD present.
4. Next call
1 February 2016, noon UTC
5. AOB
No items raised
Chat Transcript:
Ben Fuller:Hi Bart can you hear me?