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Members:   Sean Copeland, Segun Akano, Stephen Deerhake, David McAuley, Mirjana Tasic, Sabrina Wilkinson


Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken

Apologies:  Pablo Rodriguez, Alejandra Reynoso

Draft agenda:  Recording

  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Admin stuff
    Action items, if any
    From the Council (non-applicable)
  3. Review comments Workplan document
  4. Review comments on Outline
  5. Next meeting:  14 August prep ICANN78; 21 August Full GRC
  6. AOB
  7. Adjourn

 RecordingZoom playback

Documents:  (see google doc)

Chat transcript:  CHAT GRC 7 Aug.txt