- Roll call
- Review of action items
- Discuss text already produced
- Does anything need to be added?
- Does anything need to be changed?
- Next meeting
- Jothan Frakes
- Eric Brown
- Cary Karp
- Nadya Morozova
- Edmon Chong
- Kim Davies
- Francisco Arias
- Leo Vegoda
Apologies: NAMES GO HEREHarald,
Previous Action Items
Ref | Action | Due Date | Status |
1.4 | All team members to read the draft questions, and identify (a) something you can provide an answer so. (if, please answer); (b) something you think is good but should have an answer; (c) missing and should be added or considered; (d) should be removed or identified as out of scope, irrelevant, or not applicable in Latin. | 2011-07-19 |
1.5 | Kim Davies and Jothan Frakes to develop a draft workplan for review at the first telephone meeting | 2011-07-15 | Ongoing |
2.1 | Kim Davies to update the VIP wiki with the Statements of Interests | 2011-07-15 | Done |
2.2 | Kim Davies to send materials | 2011-07-15 | Done |
Discuss text already produced: Does anything need to be added? Does anything need to be changed?
- Task is to take the structure Kim has provided and complete the text by 15 September. The team needs to review that draft text and refine it into a final document by 30 September. Jothan has an action to contribute text. Discussion
- is expected on the list.
What happens after the Latin Team's report is submitted?
- Kim explained the next phase of the process, following the submission of the final report from each team on 30 September. Cary and Harald have been asked to participate in the drafting team that will produce a consolidated report based on the input from all the teams.
- None
Next meeting
- A joint call with the Cyrillic team at 5pm UTC
New and Continuing Action Items