Draft Agenda
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Statements of Interest
- Responses (if any) From SO/ACs
- Refinements to Proposed QuestionsWorking Methodology
Actions: TBD:
1. Think about possible scenarios (e.g. p.12-14 of https://www.icann.org/en/groups/other/gtld-directory-services/initial-report-24jun13-en.pdf ) and check on those that the EWG used in its reports - pay attention to difference between literal and figurative translation.
2. Responses from SOs/ACs: Extend the deadline to the end of March. Staff will schedule a meeting in Singapore with the ALAC if possible. Continue to review responses.
3. Review questions and consider input/refinements.
For Review: TBD
Proposed Questions:
- WHOIS Review Team Internationalized Registration Data Expert Working Group: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/whoisird/WHOIS+RT+IRD+WG+Homeoverview
- Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services: http://www.icann.org/en/groups/other/gtld-directory-services