Timeline | Start | End | Status |
Kick off and Submission period |
| On Target |
Submissions Due – send to planning@icann.org |
| On Target |
Preliminary review of requests by ICANN.org |
| On Target |
SO/AC consultations at ICANN 70 (by request, during Constituents’ Day) |
| On Target |
Final assessments and recommendations by ICANN.org |
| On Target |
ICANN Board Finance Committee Review and recommendation for approval to the Board |
| 04 May | On Target |
ICANN Board review and approval at May Board meeting | 06 |
| On Target |
Action items
In preparation for the submission, please review the following documents attached:
- FY21 FY22 Community Additional Budget Requests Process description and timeline FY22 Community Additional Budget Request Process
- Principles that govern ICANN’s request assessment work Principles of SO-AC Additional Budget Requests
- FY21 FY22 template request form FY22 Community Requests Template
- Please e-mail any questions you may have to planning@icann.org and be sure to check the Finance Community Wiki for updates.
We look forward to working with you all again on this effort for FY22!