At Large - FY16 Additional Budget RequestsDear Community Members and Leaders,
We begin our FY16 SO-AC Community Special Budget Process effort. This brief package provides:
- A summary of the process for FY16 Community Special Budget requests, including a confirmed timeline for the process
- A set of process principles to govern our request assessment work
- A copy of the FY16 template request form.
As you can see from the timeline, we hope to trigger the ability to accept community request templates from Monday, January 5 until Saturday, February 28. In preparation for the submission, please review the various documents. We would appreciate any comments or feedback you have on any of the documents. In particular,
- Feedback on the program process and timeline as drafted
- Feedback on the program principles as drafted
- Feedback on the Budget Request Template
We look forward to working with you all again on this effort for FY16.
Best regards,
ICANN Staff (Finance/GSE/Policy)
FY16 Community Special Budget Request Process.pdf
Principles of SO-AC Special Budget Requests.pdf **UPDATED**
FY16 Community Requests Template 141219.docx