4. Staff Announcements (Staff)
- Open public comment periods (see: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/)
5. Regional advice for 3 Candidate AFRALO ALSes
-F�d�ration M�diterran�enne des Associations d'Internet (FMAI)_
-Bokk Jang Bokk Jef
- Consortium d'Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le D�veloppement de l'Afrique (CAPDA_)
6. Update on the At-Large Summit (Hawa + African ALAC members + Staff)
- Review of draft summit programme (see DraftSummitProgramme_rev11.doc)
- Poster Session - Description and Request for ALS Participation
- Next steps of working groups (see: https://st.icann.org/summit-wg/index.cgi?working_groups)
- Visa issues
7. Discussion and Agreement of AFRALO General Assembly agenda (deadline for GA agendas was 31 January) (Chair and AFRALO members)
Suggested GA Agenda
- Welcoming of all ALS and brief introduction of each participant
- Welcoming of three newest ALS organizations
- Discussion of forming an AFRALO executive commitee and adopting guidelines, election of committee
- African ALS participation on ICANN policy issues and PDP
- AFRALO/At-Large staff discussion on increasing engagement in At-Large policy development
- Services Briefing on registrar/registry RAA non-compliance
- Concluding comments and next steps
8. Recent Activities of ALAC (Fatimata and Hawa)
9. Recent Activities of RALOs (Heidi)
- EURALO (see: https://st.icann.org/euralo/index.cgi?20_january_2009)
- LACRALO (see:https://st.icann.org/lacralo/index.cgi?15_january_2009)
- NARALO (see: https://st.icann.org/naralo/index.cgi?12_january_2009)
10. Any Other Business