- Laura Bengford and Steve Allison to prepare a presentation for the CCC on -Accountability meeting in Marrakech.
- Laura Bengford and Ariel Liang, in consultation with Cheryl Langdon-Orr, to populate the wiki workspace of the CCC-Accessibility
- Silvia Vivanco to get information/data regarding the captioning project compile captioning project related data/information (e.g. survey, etc.) to be presented during the Marrakech meeting
- ; Silvia to Vivanco to follow up with Judith regarding Hellerstein regarding her question about the use of captioning for webinars
- Silvia Vivanco to investigate whether missed captioning calls may be held in the following month (post Marrakech)
- IT staff to Josh Baulch (IT Staff) to clarify why captioning for Captioning Project can't be used during ICANN Meetings
- Heidi UllrichSilvia Vivanco to investigate the contracting issues regarding hiring sign language providers during ICANN meetings as well as other logistics of inviting disability groups to attend ICANN meetings
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