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Comment: Fix links.

05/02/2018    21:18:16 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Hello All

05/02/2018    21:18:27 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Bonsoir a tous

05/02/2018    21:20:49 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            Greetings from The Gambia

05/02/2018    21:21:09 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Felicitations Bakary @bkouyate elu President de ISOC Mali

05/02/2018    21:26:03 PM    from Yaovi Atohoun to All Participants:

            Hello everyone

05/02/2018    21:26:19 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            The difference between Adobe Connect and WebEx is that Adobe Connect allowed URL links to be opened on the browser and WebEx doesn't. Perhaps we can ask an enhancement so that we can follow the links on WebEx as well

05/02/2018    21:28:20 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Hello all

05/02/2018    21:28:23 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/02/2018    21:31:15 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            can someone help me out please. I do not seem to hear a thing even after testing my speakers and microphone

05/02/2018    21:32:28 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            i have no audio as well

05/02/2018    21:32:52 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            i am connected to the French Channel on ADIGO

05/02/2018    21:32:56 PM    from Caleb Ogundele to All Participants:

            Why don't you log out and login again. Also check your mic and headphone settings.

05/02/2018    21:33:49 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @Aisha: do you need a dial out?

05/02/2018    21:33:56 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            Yes please

05/02/2018    21:37:22 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Hi all!

05/02/2018    21:42:10 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Yes Mohamed the line is crystal clear.. i can hear you well

05/02/2018    21:42:51 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Looks like many people are having challenges

05/02/2018    21:44:41 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @Aisha: I need your number for the dial-out please

05/02/2018    21:44:55 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            My connection is good and I hear Mohamed well

05/02/2018    21:45:15 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            my number is +2203556554

05/02/2018    21:46:53 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            please speak louder Tijani

05/02/2018    21:49:19 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:


05/02/2018    21:49:52 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            At-Large Policy Advice Development Page:

05/02/2018    21:51:48 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Thanks Silvia. It would be good if for the next meeting the links on the agenda items listed on the main screen have links enabled

05/02/2018    21:51:50 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            2018 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments:

05/02/2018    21:54:19 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            There are some echos in the sound

05/02/2018    21:54:55 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            someone has his mike on causing the echo

05/02/2018    21:59:46 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Thank Silvia

05/02/2018    22:01:15 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            I would like to speak about alac at he middle east DNS forum when possible

05/02/2018    22:01:43 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            I would like to speak about alac at the  5th middle east DNS forum in ankara when possible

05/02/2018    22:02:37 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Hello All

05/02/2018    22:03:23 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            African Internet Summit:

05/02/2018    22:03:24 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            We have echo on the line

05/02/2018    22:03:35 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Can we ask Ali to send us a writen update on WT5?

05/02/2018    22:03:42 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            a short one

05/02/2018    22:05:08 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Great events Tijani! please send us any social media posts and we will promote them in At-Large social media channels

05/02/2018    22:06:04 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:06:06 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            AIS is a big thing for AFRALO and we have not missed participation

05/02/2018    22:07:31 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            AFRALO Hot topics report is posted :

05/02/2018    22:08:35 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            I will be there on May 5th and 6th

05/02/2018    22:08:55 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            I will renew my membership to the hot topics working group

05/02/2018    22:09:00 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            See you in Dakar, at the AIS

05/02/2018    22:09:21 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            @Dave: taken note

05/02/2018    22:09:33 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            thanks Sarah

05/02/2018    22:09:49 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            When is the anticipated update to the Hot Topics?

05/02/2018    22:10:22 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            AI: Mohamed requested volunteers to the Hot topics WG to participate in the implementatio of the WG recommendations

05/02/2018    22:10:28 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            I will open a wiki page

05/02/2018    22:10:29 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you Tijani. Noted

05/02/2018    22:10:29 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            <question> What is the anticipated update to when the next call will be happening </question>

05/02/2018    22:10:36 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            Am i allowed to be on the group

05/02/2018    22:10:49 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Yes please, Hadia. It's open

05/02/2018    22:10:53 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Je suis volontaire, merci

05/02/2018    22:10:59 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            of xourse Hadia

05/02/2018    22:11:03 PM    from Abdulkarim oloyede to All Participants:

             I would like to volunteer too

05/02/2018    22:11:08 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Noted Mohammed

05/02/2018    22:12:23 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Noted Michel, Hadia and Abdulkarim

05/02/2018    22:12:38 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            So I would like to be onthe group thanks

05/02/2018    22:12:50 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            There was a Statement that was drafted in Abu Dhabi

05/02/2018    22:12:58 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:13:13 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Hi Chair, i would like to Volunteer this is Barrack

05/02/2018    22:13:28 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            I would like to join the drafting team as well

05/02/2018    22:13:36 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            We can revisit the document we did in Abu Dhabi

05/02/2018    22:14:06 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            +1 Tijani

05/02/2018    22:14:17 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            YES YES YES Mohamed!!!

05/02/2018    22:14:21 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Dave, noted

05/02/2018    22:14:30 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            Thank you very much

05/02/2018    22:14:42 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            I will contribute too

05/02/2018    22:14:57 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you very much for volunteering

05/02/2018    22:15:01 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Noted Barrack

05/02/2018    22:15:12 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            we will note your names in the wiki page

05/02/2018    22:15:24 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Can I also speak

05/02/2018    22:15:32 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Cant find unmute

05/02/2018    22:16:28 PM    from jnoulaye to All Participants:

            I also volunteer  It'sJanvier Ngnoulaye

05/02/2018    22:16:32 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you !

05/02/2018    22:16:42 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:16:51 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            we will send an email with a link to the wiki, we will note your names in the membership

05/02/2018    22:17:22 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you Janvier

05/02/2018    22:17:27 PM    from jnoulaye to All Participants:

            ok thanks

05/02/2018    22:17:38 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Janvier , Barrack Otieno, Ali Hussein, Dave

05/02/2018    22:17:42 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            who else?

05/02/2018    22:18:03 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            We need young women too

05/02/2018    22:18:20 PM    from Abdulkarim oloyede to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:18:45 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Noted Abdulkarim

05/02/2018    22:19:22 PM    from bkouyate to All Participants:

            que les jeunes femmes fassent honneur

05/02/2018    22:19:33 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:






Ali Husein

Janvier Ngnoulaye

05/02/2018    22:21:31 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Adigo is troubleshooting issues with Dave's line

05/02/2018    22:21:32 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            I am new and probably do not have any experience in ICANN work, but i am very much interested in joining the Working Group

05/02/2018    22:21:34 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:21:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you Aisha your name will be added

05/02/2018    22:22:02 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Excellent Aisha!!!

05/02/2018    22:22:23 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            I will send an emal with a formal request for membership and a link to the wiki page

05/02/2018    22:22:36 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            I am calling for young ladies, not me.

05/02/2018    22:22:50 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Ok Silvia that ok

05/02/2018    22:22:50 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            I will contribute

05/02/2018    22:23:04 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            I will also contribute

05/02/2018    22:23:33 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            I have dialed through adigo using Skype and can hear clearly but could not be heard

05/02/2018    22:24:36 PM    from Yaovi Atohoun to All Participants:

            Sorry, I have to leave before the end of the call.  Bye

05/02/2018    22:26:19 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you Aisha. We shall add your name on both lists

05/02/2018    22:26:55 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you for joining us Yaovi

05/02/2018    22:27:44 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            correct Tijani, staff can archive the application after many tries to complete the application

05/02/2018    22:27:50 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Yes I agree Tijani but if the application is not complete, it is then pending

05/02/2018    22:28:16 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            True Fatimata

05/02/2018    22:29:09 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            we need to be able to reject it for good after 3 requests without an answer

05/02/2018    22:29:48 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            in a defined period of time.  we will not have to talk about it anymore

05/02/2018    22:30:25 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            I think we have sent about 3 reminders now

05/02/2018    22:30:47 PM    from Ramanou BIAOU to All Participants:

            Hi, need dialout french channel to +221 77 336 68 19. Thanks

05/02/2018    22:31:43 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            if it is more than 2 months for example, let's jsut forget about them

05/02/2018    22:32:08 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            <Question> Will this have to be included to the rules of procedure?</Question>

05/02/2018    22:32:53 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            +1 Tijani

05/02/2018    22:33:36 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            Mohamed me too

05/02/2018    22:34:14 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:

            Bye Bye Team

05/02/2018    22:34:18 PM    from Fatimata Seye Sylla to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:36:41 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Thank you all for this good meeting

05/02/2018    22:36:47 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Thank you/Merci!

05/02/2018    22:37:09 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Bye bye and see you

05/02/2018    22:37:23 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            Thank you Tijani for this note

05/02/2018    22:37:34 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            +1 Tijani

05/02/2018    22:39:49 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:

            Thank you all

05/02/2018    22:39:51 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you all! Merci!

05/02/2018    22:39:54 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Dave what link would you like?

05/02/2018    22:40:03 PM    from jnoulaye to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:40:04 PM    from Hadia El miniawi to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:40:09 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:40:10 PM    from jnoulaye to All Participants:


05/02/2018    22:40:12 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            thanks a lot chair and members

05/02/2018    22:40:15 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            bye to all

05/02/2018    22:40:26 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:
