Versions Compared


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Members: Becky Burr, David McAuley, Kristina Rosette, Sam Eisner, Susan Payne

Guests/Observers:  Liz Le

ICANN Org:  Brenda Brewer

Apologies: Brenda BrewerBernard Turcotte, Flip Petillion

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **


  1. Review agenda and SOI updates
  2. Action items:
    1. Rationales document: 
      1. Action for IOT: review and share any comments or proposed edits over email before 16 April. 
      2. Action for Bernard: to create a version with redlines of the rules against the Interim Supplementary Procedure.
    2. Standing Panel Training Materials (Liz Le  email 29 March).
      1. Action for IOT: Review the list and identify any objections asap, but in any event by 23 April; share by email any additional specific materials or types of material/subject matter that you believe the Standing Panel appointees ought to be directed to, again, by 23 April.
      2. Action for Sam/Liz: consider whether alternative terminology might be appropriate, in light of concerns raised over term “training”.
    3. Outstanding tasks and next task(s) for the IOT
      1. Action for IOT: share views over email on whether to address CEP or Appeals next and/or come to the next call on 16 April prepared to discuss
  3. Sign off on the rationales document
  4. Standing Panel [training] materials  - any suggestions requiring discussion?
  5. Discussion on next task, CEP vs Appeals
  6. Outstanding task on IRP Rules: Interim Measures (Art 10) – begin consideration (see attached extracts from rules)
  7. AOB
    1. Next meeting 30 April

Transcript: PDF

