Comparison between Charters
Click here to download a comparision comparison between the original ALAC Charter, the new GNSO Charter and revised ALAC Charter.
Review ALAC Charter
The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working group on support for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010; and
i) In cooperation with ICANN Staff and donor experts establish policies and practices for fundraising fund-raising and for establishing links to possible donor agencies. This activity may include assisting in the establishment of initial relationships with any donor(s) who may be able to help in first round with funding
j) Design mechanisms to encourage the build out of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) in small or underserved under-served languages.
2. The Working group is asked to present a schedule for the work that allows for completion in time for the opening of the application round, currently scheduled for Q2 2011, in any event no delays for the new gTLD program should result from the working group’s work.