Comment Close Date | Statement Name | Status | Assignee(s) and | Call for Comments | Call for Comments Close | Vote Announcement | Vote Open | Vote Reminder | Vote Close | Date of Submission | Staff Contact and Email | Statement Number |
n/a | 2013 Revised ALAC Rules of ProcedureVoting | Adopted 13Y, 0N, 1A | ALAC Rules of Procedure Drafting Teams | n/a | n/a | 27.03.2013 | 27.03.2013 | 04.04.2013 | 05.04.2013 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
- Motion: Alan Greenberg
- Seconded: rinalia.abdulrahim
Whereas the current ALAC Rules of Procedure dates back to 2007,
at theat the very start of the formation of the current RALO-based At-Large Community;
Whereas experiences of the ensuing six years had shown that
an overallan overall review was required;
Whereas a project to review and re-write the Rules of Procedure
has beenhas been underway since April 2012, and that this project has
involved extensiveinvolved extensive study, discussion and drafting by ALAC members and
others fromothers from all ICANN regions;
Whereas the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan recommended a number of required changes in the ALAC Rules of Procedure;
Resolved that the Draft ALAC Rules of Procedure dated 27 March
2013 (insert URL here2013 ( be adopted to replace the current ALAC Rules
of Procedureof Procedure (Document number AL/2007/1/1.Rev 11). The new Rules
will takewill take effect as soon as Adjunct Documents RoP-Adjunct-01,
RoPRoP-Adjunct-03 and RoP-Adjunct-04 referenced by the proposed Rules
of Procedureof Procedure have been approved by the ALAC.
Do you support the ratification of the 2013 revision of the ALAC Rules of Procedure?
Please click here to download a copy of the PDF below.