Members: Avri Doria, Farzaneh Badii, Rafik Dammak, Sébastien Bachollet, Steve Del Bianco
Documents: View file name WS2-IT - 14 Sept 2023.pdf height 250
For reference: Q1 2023 Q2 Quarterly Report for 2023 | Blog Post
Decisions Reached:
Reached alignment on the following reporting method, moving forward:
- instead of quarterly calls, circulate a written summary of activities along with the quarterly updates related notifications
- keep the lines of communication open:
- WS2-IT members may use the list to raise issues with ICANN org or seek specific updates.
- Similarly, ICANN org may contact the WS2-IT to seek input using the mailing-list.
- schedule calls on ad hoc basis
Verify that no objections with this new reporting method.
Action Items: N/A