Sub-group Members: Andreea Brambilla, Avri Doria, Herb Waye, Julie Hammer, Lito Ibarra, Lousewies van der Laan, Marie-Noémie Marques, Rafik Dammak, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Sebastien Bachollet (10)
Observers/Guests: Laura Margolis, Matthew Shears, Nadira AlAraj, Taylor RW Bentley (4)
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Andrews, Ergys, Eric Evard, Meghan Healy (6)
Apologies: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dalila Rahmouni, Amal Al-saqqaf, Olga Cavalli
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
1. Roll call
2. Review of action items
- Rafik Dammak – Send a reminder to the group to read the draft proposal and make comments.
3. Gender Diversity Survey Review
4. Draft Report Discussion -
5. AOB
Notes (including relevant portions of chat):
10 Participants at start of call.
1. Roll call
2. Review of action items
- Rafik Dammak – Send a reminder to the group to read the draft proposal and make comments.
Rafik Damak - TBC
3. Gender Diversity Survey Review
Ergys Ramaj - (background and presentation of the draft survey document)
Rafik Damak - is this just to gather information or do you think you will use this to make recommendations - trying to avoid duplication.
Ergys Ramaj - the community has been calling for additional information on this so there can be an informed discussion on the topic. If useful we may use similar surveys on other areas of diversity - but mostly about gathering information.
Avri Doria - Questions dealing with leadership - curious as it seems as long as someone is in any leadership position, even entry position in leadership, that there are no limitations to accessing leadership.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: The survey is lacking any question or perspective on young women. It is fundamental to measure this aspect as gender diversity is threatened greatly by power structures which ally w/ age and it also impacts on training and leadership perspectives. SuggestionWere you part of youth engagement programs? Yes/NoAre you a young participant and do you feel that this has an impact on gender and leadership? Mostrar menos
Ergys Ramaj - we are trying to measure perception. Will be modifying to questionnaire wrt this.
avri doria: thanks - had not gone back to the doc after commenting
Julie Hammer - Survey could be confusing to people who are not following our work of that of the CCWG-Acct. and as such could be confused with our work. Should be clear in the introduction that this is ICANN staff doing this for the community and that the results will be shared with us.
Ergys Ramaj - will do.
Sebastien Bachollet - a little confused this survey seems to be more about EQUALITY vs DIVERSITY. We need equality one man for one woman.
Ergys Ramaj - sometimes questions on gender go to equality but it should not be binary - its about gender diversity.
Rafik Damak - We have had this discussion before.
avri doria: i hope we do not start using a transgender as an excuse for lack of parity. that would be too cynical by half.
Action items:
Documents Presented
Chat TranscriptSebastien Bachollet - Agree with comment by AD. We are not yet with equlity yet we want to go further than that - I am just suggesting that we first have equality between men and women as a first step without stopping the work there - but just this would be a very important step.
Avri Doria - this was not my meeting - very ok to deal with transgenders for us. It is good that we are doing this but to use it to not understand a lack of parity.
Rafik Damak - can we clarify between Parity and Equality.
Avri Doria - Equality gets to be confusing and is used in many ways - people get treated equally - looking at a Board over a 10 year span then men and women would be about the same numbers. fuzzy notion .
renata aquino Ribeiro - Just wondering about the age perspective. should look at age and gender diversity as this is very important in the survey.
Ergys Ramaj - Are you asking we include a question about age?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: yes, about young women participants in the community
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: and how gender impacts that participation (many sub-questions regarding youth leadership training).
Ergys Ramaj - would need to define Youth if we go there which is another dimension of diversity so this would be hard given the survey is not only for women - also the exit survey questions deal with this in part.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: Understand but understanding young woman participating in the community. So this is important - not looking at this would leave out important data and would help align this with how power structures.
Ergys Ramaj - would defer to the group. We could cover this in further surveys when dealing with age. question 5 does deal with age.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro- this survey has to properly identify issues. Identification as a minority group in the survey - there could be elements of diversity which could be explored.
Avri Doria - how can we include these points in the survey - in the clearance question you could expand a bit to get more information. could also include one on other forms of diversity. Re question about barriers - you include more things.
avri doria: just not sure all of the age and origin should be optonal.
renata aquino: +1 on race too
Nadira AlAraj: +1 to include the different demographic diversity questions to do coronatio
Rafik Damak - Good suggestions and we can add comments in the Google doc for this. When are you planning to finalize this survey.
Ergys Ramaj - AD very useful - on timing we would appreciate if comments could be in by then end of next week. Looking to have a full report in late June or early July.
Rafik Damak - Action Item will send a reminder to the list.
avri doria: a lot of the questions are in the optional exit survey but some should be brought into the main part of the q for relation and correlation analyisis
4. Draft Report Discussion
(no time for this item)
5. AOB
Action Items:
- Rafik Damak – Send a reminder to the group to read the draft proposal and make comments
- Rafik Damak – send a reminder to the list that comments on the gender diversity questionnaire are due by Friday 28 April.
- Ergys Rmaj – Amend gender diversity questionnaire per the accepted suggestions from the discussion
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux:Welcome all to the Diversity Subgroup Meeting #19 | 20 April 2017 @ 13:00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux:If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). To unmute press *6
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hello all
Herb Waye Ombuds:Hello Bonjour et Buenos Dias everyone...
Eric Evrard:Bonjour Herb, Hello everyone
Lousewies:hi all
Eric Evrard:Recording has started.
Elizabeth Andrews:Ergys will join in just a few minutes
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:hi everyone apologies for delay
Lousewies:I'm not getting option to call my phone. I'm on Adobe app for iPhone
Brenda Brewer:would you like a dial out Lousewies?
Eric Evrard:Lousewies, there is interpretation, so you need to call in (or have the operator call you :) 0
Lousewies:yes please
Brenda Brewer:stand by please
Brenda Brewer:Language preference Lousewies?
Lousewies:dutch ;-)
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:I am on the phone in Spanish trying to make a question
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:But maybe you can just read my comment in the title of the google Doc
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:I'll paste it here
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:The survey is lacking any question or perspective on young women. It is fundamental to measure this aspect as gender diversity is threatened greatly by power structures which ally w/ age and it also impacts on training and leadership perspectives. SuggestionWere you part of youth engagement programs? Yes/NoAre you a young participant and do you feel that this has an impact on gender and leadership?Mostrar menos
Julie Hammer (SSAC):Am now on the phone.
avri doria:thanks - had not gone back to the doc after commenting
avri doria:translation lag?
avri doria:AC has been particulalry bad on lag tmes of late
avri doria:i hope we do not start using a transgender as an excuse for lack of parity. that would be too cynical by half.
renata aquino:sorry power outages here i'll be just on chat
renata aquino:sorry power outages here i ll be chat only
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:back
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:and in broken english
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:I can speak on mic now
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:if ok
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:yes, about young women participants in the community
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:and how gender impacts that participation
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:follow up?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:needs to be captured at least as a question on the survey
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check 19 minutes left in call
avri doria:just not sure all of the age and origin should be optonal.
renata aquino:+1 on race too
Nadira AlAraj:+1 to include the different demographic diversity questions to do coronatio
avri doria:a lot of the questions are in the optional exit survey but some should be brougght into the main part of the q for relation and correlation analyisis
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:avri, yes, thanks for pointing that out
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:rafik about the questionnair, can we review deadlinses?
Herb Waye Ombuds:Have a great weekend everyone
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:tks
Laura Margolis:thank you!
Brenda Brewer:Thank you all for joining. Meeting adjourned.
avri doria:bye