Event Proposal Section | Link: BC Trip/Event Assessment 1 DRAFT |
1) Which GNSO Constituency is submitting this request: | |
2) Who will be the principal liaison assigned: | Name: | Text data |
name | LIAISON |
type | line |
content | text |
| Email: | Text data |
name | L-EMAIL |
type | line |
content | text |
3) Event title or descriptor: | |
4) Preferred event dates: (Note: Due to the extensive Staff support and logistical planning associated with events, advanced scheduling and reservations may be required to ensure that (a) only one such event occurs at the same time, and (b) there are no overlaps with other scheduled events such as ICANN Public Meetings). | Start: | Date data |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
name | START |
| End: | |
5) Primary event/conference location: | Street Address: | |
City: | Text data |
name | CITY |
type | line |
content | text |
| Country: | Text data |
name | COUNTRY |
type | line |
content | text |
6) ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement Region: | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Australasia/Pacific Islands |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Latin America and Caribbean |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | Middle East |
List option |
sortValue | G |
value | North America |
List option |
sortValue | H |
value | Eastern Europe & Central Asia |
7) What does the outreach event entail (please explain in detail): | |
8) Please identify CROPP resource elements you will require, e.g., booth, catering/reception, communications materials, remote participation, etc.: | |
9) Is travel funding required? If so, please provide name(s), travel dates, reason for traveling (what contribution are they providing, e.g., speaker, organizer, etc.)? | |
10) Proposed agenda for this event/activity: | |
11) Proposed Goals and Outcomes for this event:
Content Guidelines (click here) | |
12) Additional Information (optional): | |
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