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Zoom Room:  Password: LAGA13Oct*


Action Items:  EN/ES          

Recording: EN, ES

Zoom Chat: EN/ES

Zoom Recording: ES ES



ES:Alberto Soto, Lilian Ivette De Luque, Vanda Scartezini, Adrian Carballo, Carlos Aguirre, Harold Arcos, Juan Manuel Rojas, Marcelo Rodriguez, Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite, 


  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
  2. Introduction and Aim of the Call - Claire Craig and Vanda Scartezini, LACRALO GA Organizing Committee Co-Chairs (5 mins)
  3. LACRALO GA Planning Parameters - Claire/Staff/All (15 mins)
    1. Hybrid Meeting with interpretation in ES/EN/FR/PT - Silvia
    2. Travel deadline and ALS representative survey - Silvia
      1. Deadline for number of travelers is 11 November
      2. ALS Representative Planning Survey - Confirm participation (Remote or Face-to-Face) for travel and planning purposes and ALS Representative suggestions for topics - Silvia
        1. Survey tentatively to be launched during the October LACRALO Meeting and close 10 days later. 
    3. Duration and Tentative Dates
      1. All RALOs GAs are two days and three nights
      2. LACRALO's GA will be held over 2 days within the ICANN76 meeting in Cancun, Mexico
      3. Tentative Dates are Monday, 13 March and Tuesday, 14 March. Arrival on Sunday, 12 March and Departure on Wednesday, 15 March
    4. Activities Included
      1. Welcome Reception

      2. Two Working lunches
      3. Coffee Breaks
      4. Networking Reception
      5. One Dinner
      6. Transportation to dinner (TBD)
  4. Planning Committees - Claire (30 mins)
    1. Program committee - Aims, Objectives and Themes 
      1. Suggestions: Welcome Back; Re-engagement, reconnect and re-invigorate
      2. Three workstreams - Policy, outreach and engagement and Operations 
        1. High- level Meeting with speakers from across the community?
        2. Individuals in LACRALO?
        3. Strategic approach to outreach and engagement?
        4. General Assembly
    2. Promotion committee (communication/social media)
    3. Social events (networking event)
    4. Identification of Membership and Leadership
  5. Timeline - Claire (5 mins)
    1. Survey Launch - 24 October 
    2. Survey Close - 4 November
    3. Deadline for travel numbers - 11 November 
    4. Tentative Program of all sessions - 2 December 
  6. Next Call - Claire (3 mins)


wiki page : LACRALO General Assembly 2023/Asamblea General de LACRALO 2023

Previous General Assembly: LACRALO ICANN 70 Virtual General Assembly - Asamblea General virtual de LACRALO ICANN 70

LACRALO Rules of Procedure. Title III Section 11