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PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Roll Call/SOI Updates 2. Complete deliberation on data required for Domain Name Management 3. Complete deliberation on Domain Name Certification 4. Start deliberation on “Criminal Activity/ DNS Abuse – Investigation” 5. Confirm action items and proposed decision points6. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 16 January at 17:00 UTC BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS
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Notes/ Action Items Action Items and Notes from RDS PDP WG Call – 9 January 2018 These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki.
1. Roll Call/SOI Updates
2. Complete deliberation on data required for Domain Name Management a. Review poll results from 20 December call Question 2
b. Finalize agreement on data required for Domain Name Management
WG Agreement: The following registration data is needed for the purpose of Domain Name Management: Domain Name, Registrant Name, Registrant Organization, Registrant Email, Registrar Name, Creation Date, Updated Date, Expiration Date, Nameservers, Domain Status, and Administrative Contact.
Action: Staff to incorporate this WG Agreement in the working draft, and to start maintaining a table of data that has been agreed to be collected for legitimate purposes
3. Complete deliberation on Domain Name Certification a. Review poll results from 20 December call Question 3
b. Finalize agreement on Domain Name Certification as a legitimate purpose
Possible WG Agreement (revised, to be confirmed by poll): Domain Name Certification is NOT a legitimate purpose for requiring collection of registration data, but may be a legitimate purpose for allowing some data to be collected, or for using some data collected for another purpose.
4. Start deliberation on “Criminal Activity/ DNS Abuse – Investigation”
Possible WG Agreement (to be confirmed by poll): Criminal Activity/ DNS Abuse – Investigation is NOT a legitimate purpose for requiring collection of registration data, but may be a legitimate purpose for using some data collected for other purposes. Action: Leadership team to draft poll questions to test these two possible WG Agreements. All WG members encouraged to participate in this poll no later than COB Saturday 13 January.
5. Confirm action items and proposed decision points
WG Agreement: The following registration data is needed for the purpose of Domain Name Management: Domain Name, Registrant Name, Registrant Organization, Registrant Email, Registrar Name, Creation Date, Updated Date, Expiration Date, Nameservers, Domain Status, and Administrative Contact.
Action: Staff to incorporate this WG Agreement in the working draft, and to start maintaining a table of data that has been agreed to be collected for legitimate purposes
Possible WG Agreement (revised, to be confirmed by poll): Domain Name Certification is NOT a legitimate purpose for requiring collection of registration data, but may be a legitimate purpose for allowing some data to be collected, or for using some data collected for another purpose.
Possible WG Agreement (to be confirmed by poll): Criminal Activity/ DNS Abuse – Investigation is NOT a legitimate purpose for requiring collection of registration data, but may be a legitimate purpose for using some data collected for other purposes.
Action: Leadership team to draft poll questions to test these two possible WG Agreements. All WG members encouraged to participate in this poll no later than COB Saturday 13 January. 6. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 16 January at 17:00 UTC Meeting Materials: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/QgByByAwNBg[community.icann.org] Including call handout with poll results and the definitions produced by DT7