**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- Transcript CCWG ACCT Meeting #43 - 21 July 2015.doc
- Transcript CCWG ACCT Meeting #43 - 21 July 2015.pdf
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4vimxcazek/
- The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ccwg-acct-21jul15-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda
1. Welcome Remarks
2. Recap of Paris Meeting (Communiqué)
3. Drafting Key dates (Project Plan — 21 July)
4. Sections to review
a. XPlane GraphicsGraphics
b. Fulfillment of Requirements