All the joint meeting sessions (that is, all sessions except for individual Constituency meetings that may be scheduled during the agenda "break-out" windows by each group) will have remote participation capability tools (telephone line and Adobe Connect Room). Proceedings will be recorded and transcribed AND will be published on this wiki site in the appropriate areas. Individual Constituency meetings will follow the process of their particular community, and meeting minutes, reports or transcripts will be published on their own web and wiki pages as they are typically done. Remote participation for CSG & NCSG meetings talking taking place on Tuesday morning have been communicated directly to the relevant lists. For Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday meetings, please see the dial in details below. Dial in numbers can be found at the bottom of this page. Monday 28 January 2013 | 14:30 | 17:30 | BC Meeting in Cerf Room | 17:30 | 18:30 | BC Closed Meeting in Cerf Room | Tuesday 29 January 2013 | | 09:00 | 10:30 | CSG meeting with CEO in Postel A. (Passcode CSG. US toll free 866-692-5726 ) | 09:00 | 10:30 | NCUC meeting in Postel B | 09:00 | 10:30 | NPOC meeting in SPRUCE GOOSE | 10:45 | 12:15 | CSG meeting in Postel A | 10:45 | 12:15 | NCSG meeting with CEO in Postel B. (Passcode Postel B.US toll free 866-692-5726 ) | LUNCH BREAK 13:00 | 18:00 | Possible break out MOCKAPETRIS (IPC) | MOCKAPETRIS #4468435 | 866-692-5726 | 13:00 | 18:00 | Possible break out CERF (NCUC) | CERF #4468412 | 866-692-5726 | 13:00 | 18:00 | Possible break out SPRUCE GOOSE (NPOC) | SPRUCE GOOSE #4468451 | 866-692-5726 | 13:00 | 18:00 | Possible break out CROCKER (BC) | CROCKER #4617958 | 866-692-5726 | 13:00 | 18:00 | Possible break out STEINROCK KLEINROCK (ISP) | STEINROCK #4617960 | 866-692-5726 | DIAL IN NUMBERS COUNTRY | | Toll Numbers | Toll Free Numbers | ARGENTINA | | | 0800-777-0519 | AUSTRALIA | ADELAIDE: | 61-8-8121-4842 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRALIA | BRISBANE: | 61-7-3102-0944 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRALIA | CANBERRA: | 61-2-6100-1944 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRALIA | MELBOURNE: | 61-3-9010-7713 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRALIA | PERTH: | 61-8-9467-5223 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRALIA | SYDNEY: | 61-2-8205-8129 | 1-800-657-260 | AUSTRIA | | 43-1-92-81-113 | 0800-005-259 | BELGIUM | | 32-2-400-9861 | 0800-3-8795 | BRAZIL | | | 0800-7610651 | CHILE | | | 1230-020-2863 | CHINA | CHINA A: | 86-400-810-4789 | 10800-712-1670 | CHINA | CHINA B: | 86-400-810-4789 | 10800-120-1670 | COLOMBIA | | | 01800-9-156474 | CZECH REPUBLIC | | 420-2-25-98-56-64 | 800-700-177 | DENMARK | | 45-7014-0284 | 8088-8324 | ESTONIA | | | 800-011-1093 | FINLAND | | 358-9-5424-7162 | 0-800-9-14610 | FRANCE | LYON: | 33-4-26-69-12-85 | 080-511-1496 | FRANCE | MARSEILLE: | 33-4-86-06-00-85 | 080-511-1496 | FRANCE | PARIS: | 33-1-70-70-60-72 | 080-511-1496 | GERMANY | | 49-69-2222-20362 | 0800-664-4247 | GREECE | | 30-80-1-100-0687 | 00800-12-7312 | HONG KONG | | 852-3001-3863 | 800-962-856 | HUNGARY | | | 06-800-12755 | INDIA | INDIA A: | | 000-800-852-1268 | INDIA | INDIA B: | | 000-800-001-6305 | INDIA | INDIA C: | | 1800-300-00491 | INDONESIA | | | 001-803-011-3982 | IRELAND | | 353-1-246-7646 | 1800-992-368 | ISRAEL | | | 1-80-9216162 | ITALY | MILAN: | 39-02-3600-6007 | 800-986-383 | JAPAN | OSAKA: | 81-6-7739-4799 | 0066-33-132439 | JAPAN | TOKYO: | 81-3-5539-5191 | 0066-33-132439 | LATVIA | | | 8000-3185 | LUXEMBOURG | | 352-27-000-1364 | | MALAYSIA | | | 1-800-81-3065 | MEXICO | | | 001-866-376-9696 | NETHERLANDS | | 31-20-718-8588 | 0800-023-4378 | NEW ZEALAND | | 64-9-970-4771 | 0800-447-722 | NORWAY | | 47-21-590-062 | 800-15157 | PANAMA | | | 011-001-800-5072065 | PERU | | | 0800-53713 | PHILIPPINES | | 63-2-858-3716 | | POLAND | | | 00-800-1212572 | PORTUGAL | | | 8008-14052 | RUSSIA | | | 8-10-8002-0144011 | SAUDI ARABIA | | | 800-8-110087 | SINGAPORE | | 65-6883-9230 | 800-120-4663 | SLOVAK REPUBLIC | | 421-2-322-422-25 | | SOUTH AFRICA | | | 080-09-80414 | SOUTH KOREA | | 82-2-6744-1083 | 00798-14800-7352 | SPAIN | | 34-91-414-25-33 | 800-300-053 | SWEDEN | | 46-8-566-19-348 | 0200-884-622 | SWITZERLAND | | 41-44-580-6398 | 0800-120-032 | TAIWAN | | 886-2-2795-7379 | 00801-137-797 | THAILAND | | | 001-800-1206-66056 | UNITED KINGDOM | BIRMINGHAM: | 44-121-210-9025 | 0808-238-6029 | UNITED KINGDOM | GLASGOW: | 44-141-202-3225 | 0808-238-6029 | UNITED KINGDOM | LEEDS: | 44-113-301-2125 | 0808-238-6029 | UNITED KINGDOM | LONDON: | 44-20-7108-6370 | 0808-238-6029 | UNITED KINGDOM | MANCHESTER: | 44-161-601-1425 | 0808-238-6029 | URUGUAY | | | 000-413-598-3421 | USA | | 1-517-345-9004 | 866-692-5726 | VENEZUELA | | | 0800-1-00-3702 |