Adobe room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo
Dial outs:
Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Yrjö Länsipuro , Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Matthieu Camus, Sebastein Bachollet, Greta Jeske, Roberto Gaetano, Sandra Hoferichter, Yuliya Morenets
Apologies: Christoph Brunch (possible), Bill Drake, Oksana Prykhodko
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
Action Items: EURALO Action Items 19 August 2014
Recording: EN EN
Transcript: EURALO Transcript 19 August 2014
Adobe Connect Chat: EURALO AC Chat 19 August 2014
2. Review of the Action Items from the May call
3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments - Olivier (15 min.) (to be updated by Staff!)
Policy Advice Development Page
See: ICANN Public Comment page
a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names in the New gTLD Namespace - Adopted 13Y, 0N, 2A
b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .DEALS, XN--FJQ720A, .CITY, .XYZ, .COLLEGE, .GOP, .TRADE, .WEBCAM, .BID, .HEALTHCARE, .WORLD, .BAND - Dev Anand Teelucksingh drafting a Statement
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .LUXURY, .WANG, XN--3BST00M, XN--6QQ986B3XL, XN--CZRU2D, XN--45Q11C, .BUILD, .REN, .PIZZA, .RESTAURANT, .GIFTS, .SARL, XN--55QX5D, XN--IO0A7I, and 20 TLDs associated with Top Level Domain Holdings Limited - Dev Anand Teelucksingh drafting a Statement
- Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding Consideration of GAC Advice - Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user fatima.cambronero and leon.sanchez drafting a Statement
4. Feedback from ATLAS II and ICANN 50 incl. EURALO GA, London (Wolf, Olivier and all 15 min.)
See POST ATLAS II Wiki page
Suggestions and way forward?
5. Briefing on EuroSSIG 2014 in Meissen, Germany (Sandra, Olivier, Wolf 10 min.)
9. Any other Business - All (5 min.)
Update on ICANN Hubs- Heidi Ullrich (3 mins)