No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status | ||||||||
21 | Encourage public campaigns on using the Internet for education, information, creativity and empowerment. | ICANN Board; GSE Staff | TG3 |
- Social Media WG to clarify the recommendations with TG3 leaders (Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Fatima Cambronero, Wolf Ludwig, Gunela Astbrink, Glenn McKnight, Judith Hellerstein)
- Leon Sanchez, Murray McKercher to contact GSE staff and learn about their past public campaign efforts
- Leon Sanchez to attend the GSE meeting in Singapore on Sunday 8 Feb 2015
- : Dev Anand Teelucksingh to relay this recommendation to the O&E SC and note whether B meeting will be a good opportunity to encourage public campaigns
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- ICANN Staff-organized fellowship and next gen programs can be considered part of this effort.
- B meeting may be a good opportunity to encourage public campaigns on those topics, as it is the only meeting that ICANN communities will have a specific day dedicated to do outreach. If there is specific request for outreach, it would be a good opportunity to do so
- New Meeting Strategy has been looking into regional strategy for outreach activities
- ICANN Staff organized fellowship and next gen programs can be considered part of this effort.
- This outreach and it may be easier for the community to make specific request to conduct those activities. Hence, this recommendation is linked to Recommendation #1: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JJZCAws4frBQ
- At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Working Group has been looking into regional strategy for outreach activities in B meeting.
- ALSes should have a large role to play in education, engagementinformation, creativity, and empowerment related to Internet Governance and ICT issues.
- There may be room for collaboration between At-Large, NCSG, NCUC, and NPOC to do civil society engagement work.
- Social Media working group can share ALSes' work on public campaigns, if any.
- ALSes They should share their own public campaigns on the wiki and/or via other communications channels to via various communication platforms (e.g. wiki, social media) with the wider At-Large community; there should be .
- At-Large needs to provide a platform that serves as an one-stop shop for all showcasing the efforts from the RALOs and ALSes should be shown/publicized (e.g. LACRALO has collaborated with the GSE to update/promote regional events via shared calendar). At-Large will provide the platforms to allow ALSes to share info of their public campaignsALS efforts in public campaigns and helping RALOs exchange information.
- A shared calendar can be such one-stop shop (both NARALO and LACRALO strongly supports this). RALOs, GSE, and even NomCom can use the calendar to coordinate the events in the region in order to do outreach and encourage participation. Users can view the events and subscribe to the calendar. Admins can include their own event entries but won't be able to override other people's entries. If successful, this calendar can be expanded to allow other stakeholder groups to update their events.
- Outreach & Engagement SC is tasked to develop a group/shared calendar solution for the GSE staff and RALO members to update events and allow users to subscribe to; this calendar solution has already been found has found a shared calendar solution (i.e. " team-up", check with Dev Anand Teelucksingh); this calendar is intended to be used by At-Large initially and has the potential to roll out to other SOs and ACs
- RALO secretariats should periodically make the resources (e.g. shared calendar, mailing list, wiki page) for ALSes to promote their events aware to their members
- It is recognized that there is challenge for RALOs to send members to attend regional events via funds (e.g. CROPP); well advanced notice needs to be provided in order to make those trips happen (linked to recommendation #40)
- LACRALO has been working with the LACNIC (MoU pending), if there is a new ALS, LACRALO will try to work with the new ALS in their event, and also work with GSE to create a shared calendar to coordinate the events held in the region in order to do outreach and find information in one place. >> Need a one-stop place to showcase all the regional efforts of public campaigns in the ALS level and help RALOs know what other RALOs are doing.
- Great to do community outreach, but getting funding is a challenge.
- Shared calendar needs to be utilized, if they are put in the calendar people will know about the regional events hosted by ALSes or other relevant organizations: and presented it during the Aug 17 call ( It has already been set up and rolled out for the RALOs to update their events.
- It's the responsibility of RALO Chairs and Secretariats to do ALS management and make those communication/publicity tools aware to the ALSes and encourage them to share their efforts across the community (e.g. monthly ALS spotlight is not enough) Shared calendar is of vital importance. Have a shared calendar to post all RALO events. That can benefit ALSes in the locations to participate.
- Outreach & Engagement SC's task is to develop a group calendar. One of the goal is to find a solution and it has been done, and has been shown in the previous call in August 2015 (e.g. Team-up). RALOs, GSE, and NomCom can add events on that calendar.
- CROPP is for events that have already been organized, not for organizing events.
- The challenge is that you need to submit the application well advance, happens in Jan or Feb, one particular time in the year.
- This recommendation also links to Recommendation #40 – ICANN
- It is recognized that there is challenge for RALOs to obtain fundings to send members to attend regional events. Applicants need to submit application well in advance (usually in Jan or Feb) in order to have a chance to pursue those travel opportunities.
- The CROPP funding has limitations, as it allows people to travel to attend organized events but not for organizing new events locally. Hence, this recommendation also links to Recommendation #40 ( ICANN should offer process similar to the CROPP, but not related to travelThe team calendar has already been set up and rolled out for the RALOs to update their calendars. The idea is to allow the GSE to add their own events. The group calendar is not allowing each group to override other groups' entries and ensure security. Provide links to people (view only) and subscribe to. It can be expanded to other stakeholder groups if it is needed
- In line with the public campaign topics, there may be room for collaboration between At-Large, NCSG, NCUC, and NPOC to do public campaigns focusing on civil society engagement.
- No need to add additional request re this recommendation, just to report on the progress.
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- ICANN can share existing resources and/or resources from I* organizations, RIRs to develop public campaigns. At-Large community should not spearhead those types of campaigns.
- Some ALSes may be monitoring social media tools/platforms that are blocked in certain regions, and it would be worthwhile to get more information from them
- Public campaign is outside the remit of ICANN.
- (update from the GSE, slides)
- Note on slide: It would be helpful to hear from At-Large on how they see this within ICANN’s remit. This recommendation is being addressed by other groups outside ICANN.
- Note on slide: It would be helpful to hear from At-Large on how they see this within ICANN’s remit. This recommendation is being addressed by other groups outside ICANN.
Input from Outreach & Engagement Sub-committee:
- Not in ICANN's core mission & value
- Collaborate with other I* organizations, but not to spearhead those programs
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- Staff confirmed that Nora Abusitta will be joining the ALAC session and can address what her department has been doing with regard to this recommendation
Input from Social Media Working Group:
- Input from Murray McKercher:
Encourage public campaigns on using the Internet for education, information, creativity and empowerment.
Recent discussion indicated this recommendation, while considered a worthy goal is written in too broad terms for consideration by ICANN's board.
While not a member of the Thematic Group 3, I believe the sentiment of this recommendation may have evolved from a need for ICANN to use the internet more wisely for its own needs for public education, and outreach for the role it plays in he Internet Ecosystem.
ICANN has various resources that can potentially become public campaign topics:
ICANN should leverage existing resources from I* organization and collaborate with them in conducting public campaigns