18 November
- Gisella Gruberto add Shah Zahidur Rahman to the APRALO Mentorship Program list of mentees, send the wiki page as well as WhatsApp group link
- Gisella Gruberto add ali.almeshalto the IGF in person participants list and send the Doodle for an informal coordination call.
- Gisella Gruber to coordinate a table on the IGF page for At-Large members to list sessions they are organising (F2F as well as virtual) - Requst from Maureen
- satish.babuto let Gisella Gruberknow on date/time of December APRALO meeting.
16 September
No Action Items recorded
18 August
- satish.babuand Gisella Gruberto add a presentation by holly.raiche on the OFB-WG to share the current status and open question to the September Meeting.
- Justine Chewand Gisella Gruberto add Cheryl Langdon-Orrto the Survey for Hot topics sub team.
- satish.babuto consider a presentation by Dr. Gopal Tadepalli on the "What and Why of Language for IDN" in the October APRALO Monthly Meeting.
15 July
- Small Group on APRALO RoPs will resume. Gisella Gruberand Silvia Vivancoto coordinate with satish.babu.
- Enhancing APRALO Meetings group to resume. Gisella Gruberto coordinate with satish.babu
15 April 2021
- Edmon's presentation: Gisella Gruber to post the links Edmon referred to, on the agenda page.
- Enhancing APRALO Meetings: Small group composed of: Lianna Galstyan, tv.gopal Cheryl Langdon-Orr amrita.choudhury1 Mohan Raidu
- Gisella Gruber to send email to arrange call and assist with set up.
18 March 2021
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to post the At-Large ICANN70 Talking Points to the Monday 22 March agenda at 14:00 UTC At-Large Leadership Session: Welcome to ICANN70 & Policy Talking Points
- satish.babu to defer the Mentorship Program item to the April meeting
- ali.almeshal and Lianna Galstyan to confirm the next steps with the APRALO Mentoring Program
- Gisella Gruber to work with Justine Chew and the Policy Forum on post meeting survey to be set up to gage interest in the topic discussed during meeting and whether a single issue call on that topic is desired by the Community.
- April meeting: Continue on Cheryl's comment (in line with Amrita's comment on topic interest) on question as to "Why" we hold monthly meetings.
- Community content for Newsletter to be sent to Amrita by 25th March 2021