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Attendance & AC Chat    Chat     

Apologies: Alan Greenberg (ALAC), Georgies Tselentis (GAC), James Bladel (RrSG)

Alternates: Seun Ojedeji (ALAC), Christopher Lewis-Evins (GAC), Volker Greimann (RrSG)



Notes/ Action Items

High-level Notes/Actions:

 Action item #1: Staff to put together ICANN63 document package that will contain all materials to be reviewed prior to ICANN63. This will include revised Data Elements Workbooks and draft Initial Report chapter.

 Action item #2: EPDP Team members to review ICANN63 document package prior to ICANN63

 Action item #3: Staff to prepare revised agenda and draft slide deck for HIT session. 

Questions for ICANN Org from the EPDP Team:

Further input is requested to explore how WHOIS was used before the Temp Spec was adopted, in OCTO's activities.  The original Org response does not address that issue. For example, did OCTO use WHOIS in its law enforcement training and outreach activities, or engagement with the cybersecurity community, or to facilitate or respond to large scale botnet attacks, such as Conficker or Avalanche? Individual members may follow up with the CTO for follow up questions, if available at ICANN63. 

Notes & Action items

These high-level notes are designed to help the EPDP Team navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/2IpHBQ-ILkBg. 

1. Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)

  • Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect
  • Please remember to mute your microphones when not speaking, and state your name before speaking for transcription purposes.
  • Please remember to review your SOIs on a regular basis and update as needed. Updates are required to be shared with the EPDP Team.

2. Welcome and Updates from EPDP Team Chair (5 minutes)


a) Confirm status of small teams #1, #2 and #3

  • Small teams met to tackle a number of topics that are not covered through the data elements workbooks (natural vs. legal, geographic application, reasonable access)
  • Summary note will be shared as part of the materials for ICANN63 which will serve as a starting point for further discussions.

b) Confirm status of data elements workbooks

  • Work is still ongoing on the number of data elements workbooks
  • Latest versions of data elements workbooks are expected to be posted by the end of today
  • New template being developed to bring all different aspects of the conversation together.


Action item #1: Staff to put together ICANN63 document package that will contain all materials to be reviewed prior to ICANN63. This will include revised Data Elements Workbooks and draft Initial Report chapter.


Action item #2: EPDP Team members to review ICANN63 document package prior to ICANN63 

c) Review of outstanding action items


d) Other updates, if applicable

3. Planning for F2F Meetings at ICANN63

Objective of discussion:

(1) Confirm topics to be addressed during ICANN63

(2) Confirm materials to be reviewed in preparation for ICANN63 F2F Meeting

(3) Agree on approach for F2F meeting

a) Review agenda for full day F2F meeting on Saturday & confirm materials to be reviewed prior to meeting (see draft attached)

b) Review additional slots throughout the week and expected topics to be addressed


  • See slide 'drilling for data elements' that explains the thinking behind the updated templates.
  • Template will define the ICANN purpose, define the processing activities and include an inventory of data elements as well as a data elements map.
  • See also example shared for purpose E
  • All purposes will be converted to this new template for ICANN63.
  • What is referred to when it says 'ICANN Purpose'? Will Board liaisons provide input on this as well?
  • Is this level of detail needed? Yes, GDPR requires this level of detail to be provided.
  • Data retention periods are required to be stated with rationale to be provided for the data retention period requested.
  • It is ICANN ORG that signs the contract, therefore ICANN org is the valid party to be included here.
  • Need to make sure that responsible party is documented as well as referencing ICANN's Bylaws & Mission.
  • These completed data elements workbooks are an important part of the Initial Report as they address a large chunk of the charter questions.

  • For Saturday F2F meeting, please see proposed agenda shared.
  • Priority to finalize purpose A and B. Aim to document preliminary recommendations or if these are not agreed, document the different positions for inclusion in the Initial Reports.
  • In the afternoon consider conducting small group working sessions, purposes A and C, other purposes as identified.
  • Determine in the afternoon what to focus on for the remaining sessions at ICANN63.
  • Focus efforts on the goal of delivering Initial Report - may be worth to review the document that staff has started putting together and what is in there currently and what the gaps are. See latest version here: Work undertaken at ICANN63 is expected to feed into the open areas identified in the draft Initial Report.
  • Should OCTO be invited to talk about what data they need? What about parked issues? For natural vs. legal person - Centr report may help inform that discussion. Some noted that this report needs to be considered with care as it focuses on ccTLD world and an evolutionary process. Leadership team to further discuss how to build this in at appropriate time.
  • May not best used of time to get another report from ICANN Org about their use of data - could maybe be provided in writing? What is the status of those previous requests? More productive to create questions, get a response and then set up a meeting if there are follow up discussion. Need to be focused now on efficiency and effectiveness.
  • OCTO request - want to know how registration data factored into some of the previous security incidents (e.g. Confickr). Consider setting up follow up conversation with OCTA for those interested.


Question for ICANN Org:  Further input is requested to explore how WHOIS was used before the Temp Spec was adopted, in OCTO's activities.  The original Org response does not address that issue. For example, did OCTO use WHOIS in its law enforcement training and outreach activities, or engagement with the cybersecurity community, or to facilitate or respond to large scale botnet attacks, such as Conficker or Avalanche? Individual members may follow up with the CTO for follow up questions, if available at ICANN63. 

4. Planning for High Interest Topic (HIT) Session at ICANN63

Objective of discussion:

(1) Agree on agenda for HIT session

(2) Confirm speakers for High Interest Topic Session

a) Review proposed agenda for High Interest Topic (HIT) Session

b) Confirm presenters for HIT Session 

  • See draft agenda for HIT session circulated. Topics track to the charter question sections.
  • Aim to spend more time on issues on which community input is expected - focus less on process. Consider splitting session in half - with half dedicated to Q & A. Consider if there are specific questions that should be put forward that would be meaningful for the EPDP Team as well as the audience. Consider framing questions around areas of disagreement in such a way that known positions are not restated, for example focusing on GDPR compliance. Need to factor in the general time available.
  • Presenters on behalf of the EPDP Team needed. Volunteers: Alan Woods, Diane Plaut, Thomas Rickert, Hadia Elminiawi, Emily Taylor, Milton Mueller, Ashley Heineman, Benedict Addis.  
  • Volunteers asked to share in bullet point form their speaking points prior to the HIT - especially for those areas where there is no consensus (yet).
  • Staff to prepare draft slide deck for HIT session.
  • No advocacy - only presenting different viewpoints and state of play.
  • Need timer for interventions from the audience.
  • Need to make sure that the basic understanding of the approach taken is there so that the audience can follow along.
  • Need to give audience an opportunity to react to what EPDP Team is working on.


Action item #3: Staff to prepare revised agenda and draft slide deck for HIT session. 

5. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled for Saturday 20 October from 8.30 – 18.30 CET at ICANN63.

a) Confirm action items

b) Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any
