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2. SO/AC/SG/C Early Outreach Message - RDS PDP - SO AC SG C Input Template - 2 May 2016 rev.pdf     

    Note: Any proposed edits to outreach message due no later than Monday 9 May COB


5. Confirm next steps / next meeting



AC Chat


Joining late: Rod Rasmussen 


These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/C4xlAwLQANBg


1. Roll Call / SOI

  • Please state name before speaking
  • Remember to mute your microphones and computers when not speaking
  • Remember to update your SOIs as well as the last field concerning the date of last update (note for new SOIs, this is an automated field, but not for SOIs that are already on file)


Action item #1: Leadership team to finalise outreach message for distribution to SO/AC/SG/Cs by tomorrow (Wednesday 11 May)


  • See latest draft distributed on the mailing list (review draft dated 5 May - update dated 10 May distributed for approval)
  • Adjust date for 7e based on actual circulation date of SO/AC/SG/C outreach message
  • Item 8 - any and all requirements could be identified here, does not only need to relate to purpose. Possible list of requirements, no substance or analysis yet - will happen as part of the deliberations. 
  • How to avoid mixing process with substances?
  • Helsinki meeting could be used to get input from others, also should additional materials and/or webinars be prepared to facilitate the preparation of SO/AC/SG/Cs 
  • Are the timeframes realistic for item 8c - what is expected from the WG? At this stage, the WG is not asked to express their opinion on the requirements on the list, but only to add any that are missing which will be added without discussion. Following that, the document will be reviewed for possible duplication and re-grouping.
  • Need to differentiate between what Registrars collect as part of their business practices and what ICANN requires Registrars to collect them as part of accreditation and contractual requirements. This makes ICANN a data controller according to some. Others note that the people or bodies that collect and manage personal data are called 'data controllers'.  
  • The list is POSSIBLE requirements - whether they will become requirements will be determined by the WG after deliberation.
  • Step 9 to be refined after step 8 - will need to determine whether further outreach will be needed and in what form. Need to update dates as the current ones are not realistic.
  • Leadership team will aim to keep the WG moving forward, but cannot overrush it either.
  • Update in step 13 reference to 12e, not 12d
  • Is there anything in this work plan that anyone seriously objects to? Is this work plan, understanding that it is dynamic and it will change, sufficiently good enough for the WG to consider it final and for the community to see? Note, dates will be updated as concerns have been expressed in relation to some of the dates that do not reflect the current timeline. No objecctions expressed by those on the call - draft work plan considered good enough to move forward. 


Action item #3 - Those that were not able to attend the meeting are requested to provide their input on is there anything in this work plan that anyone seriously objects to? Is this work plan, understanding that it is dynamic and it will change, sufficiently good enough for the WG to consider it final and for the community to see? Deadline: by the end of this week (Friday COB wherever you are). (Note, updated work plan with corrected dates to be circulated shortly appears below).


4. Update on Helsinki meeting planning


  • 18 May 05.00 UTC

Reference Materials: