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Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0713/3


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Call management: Gisella Gruber



Action Items: ALAC ExCom


2013.07.30 Action Items

Chat:      ALAC ExCom 


 2013.07.30 AC Chat 

Recording:           English         


2. Review of Action Items from the Durban Meeting Olivier (15 minutes)

Items for Discussion

3. Policy Advice Development Page – TijaniOlivier (15 minutes) 


a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

  1. Draft Final Report ccNSO Study Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs
  2. Draft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs
  3. Initial Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs
  4. Thick Whois Initial Report – GNSO Policy Development Process

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

  1. Consultation on the Source of Policies & User Instructions for Internet Number Resource Requests – Unlicensed user lutz.donnerhacke to draft a Statement
  2. Statement on WCIT Outcomes – Unlicensed user Olivier Crépin-Leblond drafting a Statement

c. Currently Open Public Comments

  1. GNSO Structures Charter Amendment Process – No Statement.
  2. .MOBI Cross-Ownership Removal Request - Comment Period closes 16 August 2013 - OCL to send a note to Afilias on the status of the .Mobi liaison. If no reply, then the ALAC is to prepare a statement.
  3. .PRO Cross-Ownership Removal Request - Comment Period closes 16 August 2013 - No Statement

d. New At-Large Policy Development Early Engagement Workspace

See: At-Large Policy Development Early Engagement

4. ICANN Strategy Sessions - At-Large Coordination - Olivier (10 minutes)
