Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/114VVRkBq2kQKInfkgGWM3qhcXsUR6Bb17GXDhURYuyc/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CMjwrcII
Final statement: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/16220548102638053/AL-ALAC-ST-0611-1+ALAC+Statement+on+FY12+Operating+Plan+and+Budget+-+EN1%20ALAC%20Statement%20on%20FY12%20Operating%20Plan%20and%20Budget%20-%20EN.pdf
Each RALO has been asked to summarize its own thoughts on the Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget. These summaries can be found on these pages:
AFRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
APRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
EURALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
LACRALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
NARALO comment on Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget
ALAC Statement on the draft FY12 Operational Plan and Budget
The ALAC recognizes the great improvement within ICANN's operational planning and budget preparation processes, and highly appreciates the interaction that the staff has had with the community at all stages of that process.