Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
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Roll call - Staff (2 mins)
Welcome, Agenda approval and Review of Action Items from ICANN77 – Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair (3 mins)
FY24 RALO Planned Activities - Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair (15 mins)
AFRALO - Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair and Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Vice-Chair
APRALO - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair
EURALO - Sebastien Bachollet and Natalia Filina EURALO Secretary
LACRALO - Augusto Ho, LACRALO Chair and Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary
NARALO - Greg Shatan, NARALO Chair and Glenn McKnight, NARALO Secretary
RALO Continuous Improvement Program, Sebastien Bachollet (3 mins)
ATLAS IV, Sebastien Bachollet (3 mins)
RALO Activities
ICANN 25th Anniversary - Cross-RALO call 18th September 2023 - Sebastien Bachollet (8 mins)
@ICANN78 - All (8 mins)
@2023 IGF (8 mins)
Amrita Choudhury, RALO Chair of APRALO, MAG member and Host region
Natalia FILINA - Cross Region IGF 2023 session proposal (by EURALO)
Next Steps of the Digital Welcome E-Tool - Natalia Filina (10 mins)
Small Group consisting of: Natalia, Laura Margolis, Raymond Mamattah, and Alfredo Calderon - any other? (Maureen, Ali...)
AOB & Next Call - Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair (5 mins)