RFP5 meeting of the CWG-Stewardship - Wednesday January 7th 2015 from 21:00 – 22:00 UTC
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Subgroup Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Avi Doria, Mary Uduma, Jaap Akkerhuis, Steve Crocker
Staff: Berry Cobb, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings
Apologies: Yasuichi Kitamura; Lise Fuhr
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- ACTION (staff): look for time during Intense week-end (on 10th and 11th) to draft RFP 5. Coordinate with co-chairs
- Time slot for looking at RFP 5 questions at end of intensive work week-end,
- ACTION (all): Bring forward particular points to bring in 5 requirements section.
- ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially to the list.
- ACTION (all): Bring forward particular points to bring in 5 requirements section.
- ACTION: Circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back
- ACTION (staff) for next call: display wiki page during the (CWG and RFP-5) call(s)
- ACTION: seek additional assistance from ccTLD and gTLD reps to provide input and assistance to prepare response
- ACTION: start drafting (text and table) that can act as checklist – tool on Wiki available here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/aoQQAwS4jeBQ.
- Staff and coordinator only worked on page. Participants of RFP 5 group are invited to add material. If changes are made, annotate with initials, please do not delete, but use square brackets etc.,, to ensure track changes.
- Current text is based on ICG RFP 5 and refers to NTIA requirements
Discussion points re input into section 5 drafting
- Plan for using output during Intensive week-end to start real work. Assignment of pen holders and specific RFP-5 rapporteur (s?) for Intensive Work W'end
- Update on proposal to look at RFP 5 questions at end of week-end with whole CWG,
- ACTION (all): Any points brought forward to contribute to drafting of the TEXT (expanded/annotation) for the 5 requirements section.
- Allocation / Call for owners for each of the sections
- From ACTION: Put to list five skeletons items and seek volunteers to hold pen initially. and circulate to wider list the link to wiki page and seek feed-back on list and in next CWG Meeting in prep for Intensive Work W'end input.
- Allocation / Call for owners for each of the sections
- Update on Drafting for 'political sensitive' section on NTIA Requirement #5=> non-governmental or Government led replacement of oversight mechanism.
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- Update on opportunities for RFP-5 WT meeting time during Intensive Work W'end.
- Update - Doodle outcome for 2 hr call in Week of Jan 12.
Avri Doria:where is this on the wiki?
Marika Konings:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/pages/98469963/CWG-RFP5+-+Draft
Avri Doria:becasue i dont find it listed in on the main page for rfp5