Final report sent to ICANN Board on 31 December 2013:
ATRT2 Final Report rev. 3 Jan 14.pdf
Components/sections of ATRT2 Final Report as of 31 December 2013:
- ATRT2 Final Report and Recommendations Rev.3Jan.docx
- Appendix A - ATRT2 GNSO PDP Review.docx
- Appendix B - WHOIS Assessment.docx
- Appendix C - SSR Assessment.docx
- Appendix D ICANN Board Resolutions Review.docx
- Appendix E - Observations concering the ATRT process.docx
- Appendix E - Audit Framework 130828.pdf
Final report - working documents:
ATRT2 Report_masterfinal 10_22 - improved numbering.docx - Report Body with expanded headings to clarify numbering of recommendations, report sections and include broad categories of each recommendation.