NOTE: The WG's Preliminary Conclusions for Category E are consolidated here: PPSAI - Category E General Conclusions - as of 2 Sept 8 Dec 2014
Category F - Reveal
Question 1 - What, if any, are the baseline minimum standardized reveal processes that should be adopted by ICANN-accredited privacy/proxy service providers? PPSAI - Category F Question 1 - updated 25 August 2014
NOTE: The WG's current draft Preliminary Conclusions for Category F are consolidated here: Prelim Conclusions for Cat F - 3 Nov 2014
Category G - Termination
Question 1 - What types of services should be covered, and what would be the forms of non-compliance that would trigger cancellation or suspension? PPSAI - Category F - Draft Prelim Conclusions - as of 22 Sept G - 3 Nov 2014
NOTE: The WG's current draft Preliminary Conclusions for Category G are consolidated here: PPSAI - Notes & Potential Recs - Cat G - 8 Dec 2014