See: DRAFT Discussion paper - by ALAC's Chair, Alan Greenberg Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN "
RALO ALSes Criteria and Expectations
RALO | RALO ALSes Criteria and Expectations | Comment |
| Current ROPs (there is a WG in charge of reviewing and updating the ROPs, certification criteria one of the items to be discussed) : See: List of Issues under discussion: •Individual Membership •Weighted vote •Members performance •Metrics of performance • Decertification •Quorum • Certification criteria https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/AFRALO/AFRALO+RULES+OF+PROCEDURE+REVIEW+2014 PART II: MEMBERSHIP *5. Membership* 5.1. All organizations are considered ALS if they are accredited by ALAC 5.2. All ALSes in the AFRICAN region shall be Members of the AFRALO. 5.3. There shall be no limit as to the number of Members of the AFRALO. 5.4. All Members and Provisional Members shall be entitled to attend and participate at all meetings and be entitled to access information via a publicly accessed World Wide Web site maintained by AFRALO. 5.5. All Members and Provisional Members shall be entitled to participate in AFRALO mailing lists. See: Current ROPS under: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104628810/AFRALO+MOU+and+Organising+Documents | New ROPs are a work in progress |
APRALO | The approved ROPs (document AP_ROP_2014 V: 1.3) 26th March 2014, provide for the following: Section B - APRALO and APRALO Associated Responsibilities 6. APRALO Member Requirements and Responsibilities 6.1 All APRALO Members agree to abide by these RoP and other requirements as may be agreed to by the APRALO from time to time. It is expected that they: 6.1.1 Serve on behalf of the APRALO and the At Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community. 6.1.2 Attend all APRALO meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.| 6.1.3 Prepare for and actively participate in all APRALO discussions, including Face to face meetings, teleconferences, email lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the APRALO 6.1.4 Take part in all APRALO consensus decisions and votes except for those requiring attendance at a meeting where the APRALO Member is not present. 6.1.5 Play where possible and practical a leadership role in representing the interests of Internet users within the Region, for the ALAC and in ICANN generally. 6.1.6 Actively participate in APRALO and ALAC WTs, and preferably in WTs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the APRALO 6.2 Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of an assigned Role or Appointment, they are obliged to notify the APLT and discuss options which may include either resignation and/or arrangement of a replacement as representative for their function, and to otherwise ensure that the APRALO and At-Large are well-served. 6.3 Any member of the ICANN community may voice problems, concerns, or complaints about ICANN to the Ombudsman. (Refer to Paragraph 11.9) 27 At-Large Structures and Unaffiliated Individual Membership. 27.1 There shall be no limit as to the number of Members of the APRALO. 27.2 All Members shall be entitled to attend and participate at all Meetings and be entitled to access information via a publicly accessed World Wide Web site maintained by APRALO. 27.3 All Members shall be entitled to participate in APRALO mailing lists. 27.4 At-Large Structures 27.4.1 The ALAC shall, subject to review by the RALOs and the ICANN Board, set procedures to certify and decertify any AtLarge Structures that are part of the APRALO. 27.4.2 Detailed procedures are set forth in the Adjunct document “AtLarge Structure Framework” in the ALAC RoP and is available online. 27.4.3 All ALSes certified and whose headquarters or primary domicile is in the geographic Region defined by ICANN as the AP region shall be Members of the APRALO. 27.4.4 To help ensure participation by any interested individual in the AP Region, the APRALO will encourage the formation and accreditation of additional At-Large Structures and their participation in the APRALO. 27.4.5 APRALO recognizes that ICANN has established criteria and standards for the accreditation of ALSes. APRALO will encourage organizations to apply for certification and assist with certification, including by: Reviewing ALS applications from organizations in AP region upon submission to ICANN and recommending whether or not the organization should be accredited as an ALS: Providing APALS applicants with APRALO information and, if recommended by the APRALO for accreditation, provisional membership in the APRALO whilst the ALS application is under consideration by the ALAC; When ALS status is certified by the ALAC for Asia Pacific applicants, these applicants shall be granted full membership in the APRALO. 27.5 Unaffiliated Individual Members. 27.5.1 These members are the unaffiliated individuals, including any certified Nomination Committee appointed representatives, to the APRALO who meet the following criteria: 27.5.2 Unaffiliated Individuals must: be subscribed to the APDiscuss list, be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the APRALO region as defined by ICANN, not be a member of a certified ALS. By way of 'certification' of having met this criteria and therefore to be able to contribute fully to APRALO an Unaffiliated Individual Member must submit an affirmation of these criteria to At-Large. Staff indicating how they meet the required criteria and also note that: Upon ceasing to meet any of the criteria, unaffiliated membership is terminated. All unaffiliated individuals (treated as a group) will be responsible for selecting their representative (when required to from time to time and or to contribute to the Regional General Assembly This representative must not be employed or contracted by, or have substantive financial interest in, an ICANN contracted registry or accredited registrar. Selection or ratification of this representative of the unaffiliated individuals will occur whenever a new: APAGM is called. An ALAC member is selected by the Regional Membership. Or Leadership elections are held. The unaffiliated individuals (as a group) will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that consensus is achieved or if required, any votes cast follow (in general) these Rules of APRALO and if needs be any metrics or requirements to ensure that their selected representative reflects the views held among their membership. | Includes specific measures |
EURALO | EURALO's Articles of Association -of the ICANN European Internet Users Forum a Regional At-Large Organisation of ICANN Adopted in Lisbon, on the 27th of April 2007, changed on 24th of May 2011.
Part D - MEMBERSHIP 4 Membership 4.1 Members of The Association shall consist of the following: 4.1.1 organisations domiciled in Europe supporting the purposes of The Association which qualify as an ALS. 4.2 Membership shall be by application, in writing, in the form and containing the information which the Board shall from time to time determine, and shall be signed. 4.3 The Board shall determine the criteria for membership, subject to review of the same by the General Assembly, and the mechanism by which applications for Membership are approved, which may also be reviewed by the General Assembly. 4.4 Members of other RALOs may not be members of The Association. 4.5 The Association will promote the formation of user groups and their accreditation by the ALAC. Nevertheless, mechanisms will be maintained to ensure that the individual regional users not integrated into ALSes can express their opinion on the development of ICANN policies. EURALO recognizes that there needs to be a minimal standard for involvement and participation at RALO issues. See the Procedure: How to deal with inactive ALSes, by Wolf Ludwig dated June 2011.
| No specific measure but some guidance exists |
LACRALO | ORDINARY RULES OF PROCEDURE DEFINITIONS “At-Large Structure” or “ALS” means any organisation that has applied for, and been granted, such status by the then-current process and according to the then-current requirements as decided by and defined by ICANN. Rules of Procedures : English : AL 2007 SD 2 Rev LACRALO Rules of Procedure EN.pdf | Work in progress, under discussion |
NARALO | NARALO Operating Principles, 2013-08-20 The North American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO) promotes and assures the North American user participation in the ICANN policy development process. It is formed by the unaffiliated individuals who meet the requirements under rule 17 and by those North American At-Large Structures (ALSs) accredited by the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC). Rule 17: The members of the unaffiliated individuals, including the representative to the NARALO General Assembly must submit an affirmation to At-Large Staff indicating that they meet the following criteria: • be subscribed to the NA-Discuss list, • be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN, • not be a member of a certified ALS. Ceasing to meet any of the criteria terminates unaffiliated membership.
New Rules of Procedures under way. Waiting for the this committee to provide the new critieria first |
As approved by the ICANN Board of Directors on 26 June 2003, 02 November 2007 and 15 February 2008.
See : Adjunct Document 04
Minimum criteria for an At-Large Structure: