**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p19fd78fy6n/
1. Welcome, Roll Call & SoI
2. Action items from Buenos Aires (see below)
- Independent counsel will review both the empowered SO/AC membership model and the empowered SO/AC designator model in order to inform the discussion that will take place in Paris;
- Take into account the drastic constraints on timeline and the requirement for minimal changes, a work party will be constituted to address the "emerging" issues outlined in the "discussion starters" papers;
- Rapporteurs to organize work on WP1 & WP2 issues that need further discussion and are not dependent on the Model discussion;
- CoChairs to coordinate with ICG and CWG to prepare a response to the NTIA letter;
- Bylaw drafting process to be discussed on the list and considered at the next CCWG meeting;
- WPs to make sure all comments in the public comment tool have responses for publication, no later than publication of PC2;
- Rapporteurs to coordinate work in respective WPs.
ACTION ITEM: Review emerging issues and papers circulated by Mathieu
ACTION ITEM: Staff to double-check on scheduling of meetings and inform group of next calls before Paris meeting
ACTION ITEM: Cochairs to provide clearer view of how each of these items relate to CWG requirements, provide more substance, share with Kavouss, interact, and provide update to group during call #39
ACTION ITEMS: Circulate a WP3 call for voluneers, set up mailing list and provide required support to get to a point where have proposals for discussion in Paris.
ACTION ITEM: Jordan Carter/WP1 to come back to group with clear specifications by next week for drafting to be handed over to lawyers.
ACTION ITEM: Amend draft letter to plug in timeline and leave it up to NTIA to decide whether extend contract to a certain date or not.
ACTION ITEM Steve del Bianco to wordsmith letter
ACTION ITEM: Mathieu to draft cover letter that captures comments for PC organizer