AFRALO Monthly
May Teleconference
Date: Wednesday, 07 May 2014
Time: 18:30 - 19:30 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here )
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14 BDB 0514/1
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Comment participer a cette teleconference?
Adobe Connect room:
Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638
Action Items: AFRALO Action Items EN 2014-05-07 , AFRALO Action Items FR 2014-05-07
Transcript: English , French
Recording: English , Francais
Adobe Connect Chat Room: AFRALO AC Chat Room transcript EN 2014-05-07
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
EN: EN: Philip Johnson, Alan Greenberg, Otunte Otueneh, Beran Gillen, Adetokunbo Abiola, Alioune Diop, Mwendwa Kivuva, Victor Ndonnang
FR: Aziz Hilali, Etienne Tshishimbi, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Alioune Badara TRAORE, Fatimata Seye Sylla
Apologies: Pierre DOVONOU LOKOSSOU (recurring apology as teaches at this time), Tijani Ben Jemaa, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Barrack Otieno, Pastor Peters, Hadja Ouattara
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew, Yaovi Athohoun, Heidi Ullrich
Interpreter: Claire and Fernanda
Call management: Gisella Gruber/ Terri Agnew
A G E N D A (Français)
Appel 2’
Consultations Publiques Ouvertes (Aziz) 7’
| Title | Comment Period Close | Reply Period Close |
1 | 31 May 2014 | N/A | |
2 | ICANN Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance's Submission to NETMundial | 29 April 2014 | 21 May 2014 |
3 | 16 April 2014 | 7 May 2014 | |
4 | 30 April 2014 | 21 May 2014 | |
5 | Mitigating the Risk of DNS Namespace Collisions, JAS Draft Report: Mitigating the Risk of DNS Name Space Collisions | 31 March 2014 | 21 April 2014 |
6 | Draft Implementation Plan for the WHOIS Online Accuracy and Reporting System | 1 April 2014 | 23 April 2014 |
7 | 21 April 2014 | 13 May 2014 | |
8 | 14 April 2014 | 6 May 2014 | |
9 | 30 April 2014 | n/a | |
10 | Interim Report Internationalized Registration Data Expert Working Group | 5 May 2014 | 27 May 2014 |
11 | Call for Public Input: Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions | 8 May 2014 | n/a |
12 | 23 May 2014 | 12 June 2014 | |
13 | Enhancing ICANN Accountability | 27 May 2014 | 18 June 2014 |
- Projet pilote de mobilisation communautaire régional (Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project (CROPP)) (Aziz, Tijani) 5'
- Programme Pilote de parrainage de l'ICANN (Aziz, Tijani) 5'
- Second sommet At-Large (Tijani, Peters et Baudouin) 5'
- Net Mundial : Réunion de Sao Paulo (Tijani, Aziz) 5'
6. Questions diverses (tous) 5’
AGENDA (English)
- Roll call 2’
- Open Public Comments (Aziz) 7’
4. Items for Information
- Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project Regional (Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project (CROPP) (Aziz, Tijani);5'
- ICANN Mentor Program (Aziz, Tijani), 5'
- At-Large Summit II (Tijani, Peters and Baudouin) 5'
- Net Mundial Sao Paulo Meeting (Tijani, Aziz) 5'