At-Large Shepherds: Justine, Bukola, Alan, and Cheryl, Alan
- Led by Becky Burr and Alan Barrett
- Format of the engagement: discussion and input
- Description: In this breakout room, the Board hosts will invite community feedback on how to handle situations where it becomes clear that community-developed gTLD policies adopted by the Board are superseded by subsequent events or are otherwise not able to, or can no longer, resolve the problems they were designed to address. There is currently no Bylaw or process for such a circumstance, other than the Board requesting that the community initiate another full policy development process. As the Board continues to engage with the GNSO on this topic, the community is invited to brainstorm possible solutions.
At-Large Shepherds - Pari, Hadia, Amrita, and Cheryl,
- Led by Sally Costerton and León Sanchez
- Format of the engagement: discussion and soliciting input
- Description: In this breakout room, the Board hosts will solicit community input on how to best advance ICANN’s environmental sustainability efforts, in line with FY24 CEO Goal 8. Drawing on the expertise of the community will help shape the dialogue for more sustainable planning for ICANN meetings and operations.