Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Zoom Chat: EN EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Roll call - Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (3 mins)
Discussion on action Items of last RALO Coordination Call ( 5 mins)
Update from GSE (10 mins)
Planning for RALO Coordination Meeting at ICANN 81 (30 mins)
AOB - Amrita Choudhury (5 mins)
Next Meeting in November – F2F ICANN81, Istanbul Meeting
Ongoing Activity related to key takeaways and agreements from RALO Coordination meeting at ICANN80
To put together a list of common written expectations between RALO ALAC representatives and RALOs.
Each RALO to to draft written expectations between RALOs and their ALAC representatives to ensure better communication RALO - ALAC and vice versa.