The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-cwg-iana-19feb15-en.mp3
Documents Presented
Documents Presented
Draft list of CWG Task Forces 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf
Guidelines for a CWG Task Force 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf
Template for a CWG Task Force19Feb2015.pdf
WorkMethods 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Hi everyone -- welcome to the CWG-Stewardship meeting #22. The meeting will begin at 11:00 UTC. In the meantime, I've loaded the project plan for you. This was sent along with the agenda yesterday and will be discussed under item 6.
Grace Abuhamad:Also on Wiki https://icann-community.icann.orgatlassian.net/wiki/spaces/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=49351404/98468109/Documents+Drafts
Elise Lindeberg GAC:yes, Grace - very useful :)