Apologies: Eberhard Lisse, Leon Sanchez, Matthew Shears, Keith Drazek
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- Transcript CCWG Acct Meeting #47 - 30 July 2015.doc
- Transcript CCWG Acct Meeting #47 - 30 July 2015.pdf
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4alqt134b6/
- The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ccwg-acct-1700-30jul15-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda
1. Opening Remarks
A. Freeze starts on Friday 31 July at 18:00 UTC
B. Publication on Monday 3 August
6. AOB
A. Webinars on 4 & 7 August
B. Call on 4 August cancelled (replaced by webinar)
7. Closing remarks
Attachments |
31 July at 18:00 UTC
B. Publication on Monday 3 August
6. AOB
A. Webinars on 4 & 7 August
B. Call on 4 August cancelled (replaced by webinar)
7. Closing remarks
Attachments |
1. Opening Remarks
Reconvening after 4h break
On audio only:
· Samantha Eisner on audio only (member)
2. Update on voting weights discussion per legal advice
· Proposal to do 5x5 + 2x2 , giving SSAC and RSSAC only 2 votes each and not 5.
·Robin Gross will file dissenting opinion on this issue. Her proposal: ratio of 2 GNSO, 2 ccNSO, 2 ASO, 1 ALAC and liaison roles for the GAC, RSSAC and SSAC
·Support for the 5x5 + 2x2 voting model? Green Ticks: 16 (+2 from Tijani Ben Jemaa and Jonathan Zuck) Red Crosses: 2
· ---> moving forward with 5x5 + 2x2 voting model
3. Review of previous call (11:00 UTC)
Human rights:
· updated text (please see page 4, 2nd row, red text).
·Greg Shatan's text suggestion: "Within its mission and in its operations, ICANN will be committed to respect internationally recognized fundamental human rights.”
·Can you accept the language in the document? Green ticks (yes): 12 Red Cross (no): 6 + Jonathan Zuck and Tijani
·recap: include in the report a statement that our group agrees that an additional commitment to human rights in WS1 is advisable and is currently investigating a proper language.
1. Do you want to see some human rights language in that box with an 8 and with red text.
· Green ticks (yes): avri, CLO, David, Gary, Jordan, Jorge, Julie, Mathieu, Robin, Thomas (10)
· Red crosses (no): Tijani, Izumi, Arasteh, Greg, Jonathan, Par, Steve, Samantha (8)
2. If language is included, do you prefer what is written there suggested by Keith, or do you prefer Greg's alternative?
· Green Ticks (Keith): 8
· Red Crosses (Greg): 11
· If you do not tick anything, you indicate that you don't like either text
Greg Shatan's text suggestion: "Within its mission and in its operations, ICANN will be committed to respect internationally recognized fundamental human rights.”
Do you agree that we mention the recongnition of the human rights in the bylaws at WS1 while the details would be worked out in WS2?
· Green (yes): arasteh, Jonathan, Mathieu, Par, Robin, Thomas, Martin, Avri (8)
· Red (no): greg, Sam, Sebastien, Becky, (4)
Exec Summary
new version circulated before this call
Updates include:
· WS1 definition included
· Language to clarify that powers are escalation path
· Added mention of IFR challenge (Sabine's point)
· Removed () around Human rights WS2 issue.
· Robin's language
Action (Sebastien): send comments in writing
Action (Christopher) send comments in writing
4. Review of XPlane graphics
led by Thomas
No objections
Stress Test #18
· GAC members opposed to reference to specific government opposition
· Not enough support for removing stress test #18 altogether
Action: Delete the last 2 sentences in paragraph of document
Action: consider Kavouss' language in second to last paragraph on page 1: The proposed bylaws change recognizes that GAC may wish to consider, if necessary, to amend its consensus rule to something less than “in the absence of any formal objection” while still requiring ICANN to try “to find a mutually acceptable solution.”
Independent Review Process
Deadline 16:00 UTC on Friday
5. Procedural approach for calls today and for Public Comment
· Freeze starts on Friday 31 July at 18:00 UTC
· Minority Statements are due by Saturday at 12:00 UTC
· Publication on Monday 3 August
6. AOB
Webinars on 4 & 7 August
Link to the Webinar announcement: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-30-en
4 August from 19:00 – 21:00 UTC
7 August from 07:00 – 09:00 UTC
Webinars will be interpreted in 5 UN languages plus PT
Call on 4 August cancelled (replaced by webinar)
7. Closing remarks
Action Items
Action (Sebastien): send comments in writing
Action (Christopher) send comments in writing
Action: Delete the last 2 sentences in paragraph of document
Action: consider Kavouss' language in second to last paragraph on page 1: The proposed bylaws change recognizes that GAC may wish to consider, if necessary, to amend its consensus rule to something less than “in the absence of any formal objection” while still requiring ICANN to try “to find a mutually acceptable solution.”
Chat Transcript
Kimberly Carlson: (7/30/2015 08:53) Welcome to CCWG Accountability Meeting #47 on 30 July! Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards
Grace Abuhamad: (11:24) https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/pKs0Aw9AzTBQ
Mathieu Weill, ccNSO, co-chair: (11:24) and crosses