Section |
Column |
| Info |
Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option (directly above) to complete this form. Remember to <Save> the page (bottom right) after making updates. Other than the two required fields immediately below, you may complete any portion of this form, save, and return later to continue where you left off. |
Person Completing Form | Name: | Text data |
name | PERSON |
type | line |
content | text |
| Email: | | Date: | Date data |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
name | APPDATE |
required | true |
Column |
| Panel |
bgColor | white |
titleColor | maroon |
titleBGColor | lightcyan |
title | STAFF USE ONLY |
| |
Work Effort Section | Type: | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | B |
value | Life-Cycle |
| Status: | |
1) Name/Title of Work Effort: (Note: "Work Effort" might be a standing committee or a project with a life-cycle. Please keep this field relatively short and enter fuller description immediately below). | Text data |
name | ACTNAME |
width | 650px |
type | line |
content | text |
2) Description: | |
3) Purpose/Goal of Work Effort: | |
4) Subject Matter Category: Click here to see a list of categories | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Names and Numbers |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | DNS Marketplace |
List option |
sortValue | C |
value | ICANN Governance |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | Operations |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Strategic Initiatives |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | Engagement |
List option |
sortValue | G |
value | Policy Development |
List option |
sortValue | H |
value | General Admin |
5) Subject Matter Sub-Category: (Note: Where applicable, identify the next lower level of Category, e.g., if Category is Policy Development, Sub-Category might be: Whois, IRTP, New gTLD, IDN) | Text data |
name | SUBCAT |
type | line |
content | text |
6) Relative Importance: | |
7) Date Work Effort Commenced: | Activity Start: | Date data |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
name | START |
8) Sponsoring/Chartering Organization: | Text data |
name | ORG |
type | line |
content | text |
9) ICANN Structures/Groups Involved: | List data |
multiple | true |
name | SOACLIST |
type | check |
separator | newline |
| List option |
sortValue | B |
value | AtLarge-AFRALO |
List option |
sortValue | C |
value | AtLarge-APRALO |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | AtLarge-EURALO |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | AtLarge-LACRALO |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | AtLarge-NARALO |
List option |
sortValue | G |
value | AtLarge-ALS (All) |
List option |
sortValue | I |
value | AtLarge-All Other |
List option |
sortValue | S |
value | GNSO-Council |
List option |
sortValue | T |
value | Registrars SG |
List option |
sortValue | U |
value | Registries SG |
10) Type of Group Performing Work Effort:
| List data |
multiple | true |
name | GROUPTYPE |
type | check |
separator | newline |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Working Group |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | Drafting Team |
10A) If Answer To Question 9 Is "Other", Please Specify Here: | Text data |
type | line |
content | text |
11) Web Presence Link (if applicable): | |
============================================== | | Work Effort Data Section
note |
Disclaimer: The next two sections are not mandatory; however, the intention is to begin collecting certain quantifiable information for use in understanding ICANN's aggregate work effort, especially as it might be useful in possible prioritization. It may be challenging to obtain accurately; however, even a rough or crude estimate will provide utility, so you are encouraged to provide your best judgment. |
12) Historical Data (if applicable): Panel |
| Cumulative | Activity Status (As of ICANN53) | Volunteers Committed | Volunteer Hours (Est'd) | Staff Support (FTE) | Staff Hours | Mtgs/Calls Held |
From Start through ICANN53 | List data |
name | HASTATUS |
separator | newline |
| List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Organizing |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Deliberating |
List option |
sortValue | K |
value | Finalizing |
| | | Number data |
format | ###.# |
name | HSTAFF |
width | 60px |
decimal | true |
| | |
13) Snapshot 12) Snapshot Activity Data: Info |
The effective period for each Snapshot will be the end of one ICANN meeting to the start of the next, e.g., ICANN53 (25 Jun 2015) - ICANN54 (18 Oct 2015) |
Table data |
initialRows | 1 |
| Snapshot ID | Activity Status |
| Volunteers | Committed | Volunteer Hours (Est'd) | Staff Support (FTE) | Staff Hours | Mtgs/Calls Held | List data |
name | SNAP List option |
sortValue | AB |
value | ICANN54ICANN55 |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | ICANN55ICANN56 |
| List data |
separator | newline |
| List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Organizing |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Deliberating |
List option |
sortValue | K |
value | Finalizing |
| | | Number data |
format | ###.# |
name | STAFF |
width | 60px |
decimal | true |
| | |
Panel |
bgColor | lightyellow |
titleColor | maroon |
titleBGColor | lightcyan |
title | Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY |
Name | Date Satisfied/Confirmed | Notes | Text data |
name | NAME |
type | line |
content | text |
| Date data |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
name | SATISFIED |
| Text data |
name | NOTES |
width | 300px |
content | text |
SOAC Work Effort Template v2 v3 (August 2015Aug 2016)