At the sidelines of the ICANN49 meeting, members of the APAC community discussed the direction and objectives of Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP). The salient points of discussion are captured below.
- Draw up terms of reference, target audience (young professionals) objectives, end goal for the APIL
- Determine the gap, areas of research that is missing
- Work on 3-5 year plan, meanwhile continue programs that are in the pipeline
- Form a working group to look into the details
- Consider having community support to gain legitimacy
- Consider including into mainstream curriculum and/or having diploma on specific topics such as TCP/IP, ccTLD management
- Consider including non-technical aspects, such as internet governance, policy making and socio-economic implications.
- Build repository/database of all available courses and capacity building programs in the region (ICANN is developing an "ICANN Learn" one-stop-shop online platform, we could see if we can build on this)
Funding and support
- Need to seek funds to run program
- Need for strict accountability measures and transparency
- Determine the managing secretariat of the program (ICANN, AP*, APNG raised as possibilities. AP* as home institution for APILP?)
Call for Action (5 May 2014)
As a follow up to the meeting, a draft terms of reference (TOR) document is attached for discussion. Comments from all are welcome. (Please send in your comments to apilp_discuss@apilp.asia and copy kelvin.wong@icann.org by 6 June 2014. If you wish to be a part of this working group, please also send your request to the same email addresses).
Attachment: Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v2.docx
Comment window closed (6 June 2014)
Thanks all for the comments at the apilp_discuss@apilp.asia discussion list. The draft version of the TOR document at the close of the comment window is attached below. We will discuss the next steps for this in further detail.
Attachment: Draft TOR for Working Group on APIGLP v4.1.docx
1st APILP Call (13 June 2014)
a) Agenda for call
- Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair: At the APILP Open Working Group discussion during ICANN49 Singapore in March 2014, we asked for volunteers to be part of this Working Group (WG). You are included in this group as you have indicated your interest to be part of the WG - thanks for this. We are inviting nomination of Chair and Vice Chair to this APILP-WG.
- On APILP discussion during APrIGF Delhi (Aug): There were some suggestions for APrIGF in Delhi, Aug, in relation to APILP, including a presentation of the APILP workshop proposal. We hope to seek comments to the two proposals (a) and (b) below.
- For the APILP-WG to have a face to face meeting to discuss the TOR during Delhi APrIGF (Aug);
- To do a first run of the APILP during Delhi APrIGF (Aug), initial draft proposal as attached (Proposal 1).
- Others: Other suggestions, if any, are welcome too.
b) Notes for Call
Cheryl Langdon Orr, ISOC AU
Duncan Macintosh, APNIC
Hong Xue, Beijing Normal University
Kelvin Wong, ICANN
Kuek Yu Chuang, ICANN
Low Jiarong, ICANN
Yannis Li, DotAsia
1) Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair
- Process of nomination and election of Chair and Vice Chair for the APILP to follow the following election process:
- Having a nomination period (21 days), during which members are allowed to put forward the names.
- Self nomination allowed. If nominating a 2nd person, to allow 7-10 days within the nomination period, for nominated party to accept the nomination
- APILP TOR should consequently include the terms of reference for the Chair and Vice Chair too, such as:
- Period of term: (Proposed) 2 years
- Number of terms allowed: (Proposed) 2
- Cheryl agreed to help guide the nomination/election process of the Chair/Vice Chair for APILP
- There was a suggestion to have an interim Chair/Vice Chair to help lead discussions, before the Chair/Vice Chair are elected/take office. There was also a suggestion that ICANN as secretariat could help in the interim.
2) On APILP proposals
- Discussion on the specifics of the proposal will continue when the Chair/Vice Chair is selected. APrIGF secretariat (Yannis) updated the meeting that the APrIGF pre-event proposal (1 day workshop as proposed Ang Peng Hwa) was accepted by APrIGF MSG. She also reminded the meeting that Xue Hong has previously helped to include APILP as an agenda in APrIGF in Delhi, the proposals and suggestions on the details for APILP could be discussed. 90 mins is scheduled for this.
- For the proposal, there was also a suggestion to proactively look into the mode of learning, including having hybrid modes of remote participation and e-learning etc, to complement more traditional face-to-face sessions.
3) Follow up for APILP-WG
- To have another ad-hoc call 3 weeks later (around 2nd week of July) to check back on progress and provide update. This is also aligned to the timeline for election. ICANN will in the interim, continue to move the project along as secretariat.
- Nomination period: Start 16 June (Mon), end 6 July (Sun).
- Proposed 2nd APILP call on 8 July (Tuesday) UTC 4am (12pm SGT) - call to be confirmed. (ICANN APAC Hub will continue to post key development and documents on the ICANN community wiki here. We will also circulate a revised TOR to include the terms of reference for Chair and Vice Chair.)
Nomination period for Chair and Vice Chair (From 16 June, Mon to 6 July, Sun)
Please nominate names for the Chair and Vice Chair of the APILP Working Group by 6 July (Sun).
The revised TOR, which includes the terms for Chair and Vice Chair of the APILP-Work Group, is attached. Draft TOR for Working Group on APILP v5.docx
The key discussion points and action items arising from the coordination call is attached. The outreach info sheet is also attached.
APILP Working Group - Notes for 17 July Coordination Call.pdf
APILP Pilot Program Info Sheet.pdf
Pilot Session for APILP (3 August 2014, 9am-5:40pm, Tejas Room, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Greater Noida, Delhi, India)
The pilot run for the APILP will be at APrIGF 2014 in Delhi, India. Please sign up and join us now. The final program is attached.
Report on Pilot run of APILP and Discussion on APILP Terms of Reference (APrIGF Workshop #15)
The TOR and future directions for APILP was discussed during APrIGF on 5 Aug 2014, Tuesday 9am. The notes of meeting as well as a report on the pilot run of the APILP session during the APrIGF is attached for your reference.
APILP Pilot Session Report and Notes for 5 Aug Meeting.pdf
APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (Introduction)
APILP Pilot Session in Delhi (IANA Stewardship Discussion)