Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/NYk-DQx1CfBg.
This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.5, updated on 24 October 2019.
2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List.
Item 3: Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
ICANN org published the SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) on 12 December and in advance of the publication of the ODA, the Council received a briefing on 7 December. During the Council’s December meeting, it agreed on the benefit of providing Council input on the ODA, if any, to the ICANN Board in support of the Board workshop taking place around the 20th of January. The Council established a small team to review the ODA in detail, concentrating on identifying areas of ICANN org analysis that may not be true to the intent of the SubPro Final Report, as well as developing impressions of Option 2 contained in the ODA. Given the tight timelines, there will not be adequate time for the small team to provide draft input to the Council by the document and motions deadline. Accordingly, the expectation is that the input, delivered on [date]13 January 2023, shall be sent to the Board, but include the caveat that it was not formally adopted by the Council. Since the small team has shared its proposed draft, Kurt Pritz provided an alternative version on 17 January 2023. Paul McGrady followed on 18 January 2023 with another version as well.
Here, the Council will receive a briefing from the small team on draft input on the SubPro ODA and acknowledge that it will be passed on to the ICANN Board for its consideration.
5.1 – Introduction of topic (Council leadership) Slide deck
5.2 – Council discussion
5.3 – Next steps
6.1 – Introduction of topic (Roger Carney, Chair of the Transfer Policy Review PDP) Slide deck
6.2 – Council discussion
6.3 – Next steps
7.1 – Introduction of topic(Council leadership) Slide Deck
7.2 – Council discussion
7.3 - Next steps
Item 8: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (5 minutes)
8.1 - ICANN76 Planning - Draft Schedule
8.2 - Non-objection to Additional Budget Requests