Reports 2016
- Monthly meeting
- Review and selection of substitute for Garth Bruen for ICANN 57- Dr John Laprise
- Review and selection by committee of the Tribal Ambassadors
- Feedback to Ariel on broken links on new NARALO website. Request to change old picture
- Applications for CROPP by Tom and Leah
- Approval for William Cunningham as Unaffiliated member
- Outreach to Randy Glass, Satish, Darlene and Mark Urban to participate
- Mark spoke with Judith and Glenn to be active
- Judith spoke with Statish
- Darlene group request for decertification to staff
- Randy sent email warning letter for potential decertification
- No Monthly meeting
- John Laprise volunteered on July 12 for the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee
- Creation of the August NARALO Call agenda
- Encouragement for two new ALS applications- Dr. Rob McMahon
- Received one new ALS application from John LaPrise
- Promotion of NARALO at the IGF USA in attendance Judith, David, Glenn, Seth and Louis
- Feedback to the CROPP RT Team as followup to changes in CROPP
- Emails to Darlene Thompson, Mark Urban, Randy Glass and S. SIngh reminding them of their ALS obligations
- Planning Adobe Connect call with the volunteer committee for the TAP
- Creation of the procedures for application for the Tribal Ambassorship Program TAP
- Creation of online form for applicants for TAP
- Planning Adobe Connect call for the Naralo GA
- Two volunteers for the DDDPP Gordon and Glenn
June Monthly Reports
- Two meetings this month
- Helsinki
- Normal meeting
May Monthly Reports
- Monthly call with 19 attendees
- First time French translation on monthly call
- Acclaimed positions with NARALO
- Chair- Glenn McKnight
- Secretariat-Judith Hellerstein
- NOMCOM- Eduardo Diaz
- Election for ALAC position between Louis Houle and Alan Greenberg
- Agenda
- Application from ISOC North Carolina being reviewed
- Creation of the CROPP Strategic Plan submitted to GSE
- Revisions on the Rules of Procedures on the decertification process
- Decertification process to ALAC commenced
- Attempt to contact Michael Miranda again, no response
April Monthly Reports
- Followup with ISOC North Carolina
- Outreach to community resulting in a record 25 names on the April 11th call
- Community interest in French and Spanish on the monthly NARALO calls
- Call for volunteers on the new NARALO Mailcard
- Followup with ISOC Special Needs and Randy Glass
- Followup with ARIN on the MOU
- Oureach at the SSIG in Washington - ISOC North Carolina potential ALS
- ALAC announced that ISOC Washington DC is the newest NARALO ALS
- Training of ISOC Washington to be organized with Paul Brigner and David Vorst
- They will be doing a short presentation in April or May of ISOC DC
- Attendance at 16NTC in San Jose for NARALO outreach and Global Summit in Vancouver -2 Cropp Trips
- ICANN 55 in Marakesh
- NARALO Slideshow
- ICANN55 pictures
- Leon Sanchez - Short video on CCWG
- NARALO Slideshow
- Submission to the ALAC for vote on ISOC Washington DC
- Rough consensus on the acceptance of ISOC Washington DC as a new ALS
- Communication challenges with ICANN Constituency Travel for Le Marie and Alfredo's Cropp trips which were approved for their travel and hotels
- Due diligence on new ALS application from ISOC Washington DC
- Outreach to non participatory ALS
- Request to non participatory ALS who are not interested in participatory to send a request to be removed from the list
Reports 2015
Updates and approvals of new ALSes
- Updates on the decertification of ALSes
- Update of current CROPP applications
- Updates from Staff on NARALO initiatives, First Nation, accessibility
- Briefing by Working Groups members about the actions and initiatives in their working groups and in the Cross community working groups.
- Updates on NARALO Special Budget Requests
- Review of current CROPP applications and what still needs to be done
- Updates from Staff on NARALO initiatives, First Nation, accessibility
- Briefing by Working Groups members about the actions and initiatives in their working groups and in the Cross community working groups.
- Update from Evan and Glenn on their CROPP trips to NTEN
- Opened up discussions on the upcoming NARALO leadership vacancies for 2015
- Recruitment drive for NARALO members on working groups and also review of current members of the CROPP RT as the result of the changes made to this committee.
- Discussion by Holly Raiche of the upcoming At Large Review and recruitment of members to be on her committee
- Welcome back from Garth and goodbye to Evan
- Call for Elections for Chair, Secretary, ALAC 1, ALAC 2 (replacement for Glenn) and Nom Com
- Update on recent CROPP trips by Judith H. to SxSW. Evan on his CROPP trip to ARIN
- Working Groups update: Technology Task Force, CROPP, IANA Transition
- Update from Staff on the Special Budget Request that we would not know until end of April.
- Recruitment for people to join the new CROPP and Outreach/Engagement working Group. Briefing on the new structure and TOR for the Outreach Committee.
- Review of the new template format for monthly reports and to seek suggestions, comments on this template
- Announcement of FY 16 Budget results
- Ebooks Approval budget unknown
- Captioning Approved for first year. The schedule will be for the first 3 months of a total of 9 meetings.
- First Nations fellowship- Not Approved
- GA NARALO tied with EURALO , postponed to 2016 fiscal period for ICANN PR
- Election results
- Acclaimed
- Garth Bruen as ALAC representative
- Alan Greenberg as ALAC representative
- Glenn McKnight as NARALO Chair
- Eduardo Dias as NOMCOM rep
- Acclaimed
- Elected
- Judith Hellerstein as NARALO Secretariat
- Elected
- Outreach and promotion at the CIRA CIF on June 10th in Ottawa which saw numerous ICANN staff speaking about the IANA transition at the event
- Attended the ICANN 53 BA, Argentina
- NARALO report at ALAC
- NARALO meeting
- Accessibility Meeting
- Side meeting With Judith Hellerstein, Josh Baulch, Christina from Language Services, Silvia Vivanco to discuss implementation of Captioning Pilot. Was decided to have an evaluation after the first 3 months. Also at this early stage only English captioning will be used. Also transcripts form the current provider will be kept and then reviewed and compared against the transcripts from the captioning provider. If the transcripts from the captioning of the call are found to be adequate than the current transcripts provider will be cancelled and the costs of these transcripts will be placed into the captioning program to fund it and also to expand into other languages depending on the demand.
- Reports from ICANN53 BA (NARALO Did most of the posting!) some of the specific issues discussed at the NARALO Meeting in BA:
- Sub-Regional Meeting Proposed in NYC: The idea is to have mini-regional, informal meetings in locations accessible to a number of members - possibly New York City in September.
- Comparing ATLAS II Objectives with At-Large CWG Work: Are we staying to true to what we pledge as a community in work that follows an ATLAS or other proposal?
- Thanks to Eduardo Diaz we have the first ever NARALO Newsletter! Tell us what YOU are doing.
- Recommendations for ICANN's Auction Surplus/High Interest Topic Session: The Chair served on this panel and recommended that use of these funds follow ICANN's mandate and focus on areas where the organization may be failing in the mandate, especially in the areas of improved accessibility for the disabled communities.
- Conflict of Interest within the ICANN Structure: Recent research into ICANN's documents show inconsistencies in the organizational structure as presented to the community. It appears that Compliance actually reports to the business division (Global Domains Division) of ICANN rather than to the CEO. This may be a conflict of interest as well as not what we have been told. See this page for details and discussion: Transparency and Accountability in the ICANN Structure
- Chair and Secretary participated in ALAC Call 7/28/15
- NARALO monthly call canceled due to nearness to the BA meeting
- The Secretary put out a call for volunteers to join the Outreach and Engagement Committee
- Chair continued his work on Transparency and Accountability in the ICANN Structure
- NARALO CROPP Outreach Strategic plan created and provided to community for feedback
- Request to NARALO members to get involved with the ALS Criteria Evaluation Committee-No volunteers, Glenn McKnight volunteered as the ALAC member till end of his term in October
- NARALO CROPP Outreach Strategic Plan Plan approved by GSE
- Second request to NARALO members to join the ALS Criteria Evaluation Committee- No volunteers
- Creation of a promotional Captioning mailcard to request participation and suggestions, a survey created for evaluation
- Alan Skuce and Glenn McKnight agreed to stand as the CROPP Coordinators. Waiting for the FBSC meeting to official confirmation
- Extensive review of attendance for 2015 and 2014 working with Staff verifying low attendance so NARALO Chair and Secretariat are going to organization orientation sessions for new ALS as an open session.for topics on their interest. The goal to engage the ALS's and help them become integrated
- New Naralo newsletter to be created by Eduardo Diaz
- GSE has created a Civil Society Engagement and Naralo has created a event calendar with more detail and sent to staff
- Presentation at McGill University with Joe Catapano on ICANN and NARALO
- Creation of Outreach and Engagement budget considerations for FY17
- Members participation with various working groups ie. Technology Taskforce, Accessibility, Capacity, CCWG, ALS Criteria and more
- On Oct 30th. Judith and Glenn spoke with Susan Hamlin regarding a ongoing NARALO Laison
- Arin doesn't endorse any formal liaison relationships with groups
- ARIN has expanded it's fellowship to include 5 from the US and 5 from Canada
- Fellowship can now be repeated
- We proposed to Susan that Leah of ISOC SF be an active participate in ongoing fellowship applications
- October meeting in Dublin
- Update on the Outreach and Engagement update and GSEobviouslGSE
- Adoption of the CROPP Strategic Plan
- Special Guest Compliance head Alan Grogan
- Request by Garth on transparency in ICANN Financial report
- Oureach Outreach to 21 21 ALS that have had low attendance by email and phone to attend the monthly calls. Some of the numbers and websites are not functonal. Working with staff to update the database
- Draft GA application creation for FY 17 with Judith and Eduardo and provided draft to staff. This draft sent to staff for feedback
- Request from staff for outstanding Action items, none reported
- Updated NARALO presentation Link
- Completion of the first CROPP financial request for the NTEN trip and has been reviewed by Alan Skuce
- Judith has volunteered to be on the FBSC
- Selection for the Review Team for the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team
In response to the conversations to many of the ALS's that the 3 pm call is a problem we did a straw vote during the meeting and obviously the majority on the call were pleased. Action item. a doodle survey will go out in January asking all members if alternative times would be suitable
Budget Time FY17 opened on Dec 14th and requests from NARALO includes the ICANN PR for October 2016, The proposal has been reviewed by the community and submitted. Other proposals may come from Loris Taylor and Anthony Niagilli with an updated First Nations Fellowship and a Augmented Reality Comic book from Alfredo Calderone
- CROPP Submission for NTEN has been submitted and approved
- Promotion to the membership of the ARIN Fellowship which includes 15 new fellowships so NARALO ALS's have a better chance to win one of the fellowship. The next ARIN event is in Jamaica in April
- Judith Hellerstein's outreach to the community for Beta testers on the Captioning First with Adobe has been sent out by staff. . NARALO has two special needs organizations which we will be asking their members to participate in one or more of the special calls to provide feedback. A short survey has been designed for attendees on Adobe for their user experience
- Request for membership with FBSC has been requested.
- Judith Hellerstein will be sitting member
- Request by Holly for a second NARALO rep for the Working Review Working Party Members Currently Eduardo sits on this committee
- Analysis of Attendance
- Attendance for December 13 representing 9 ALS
- Attendance for year 385 for 24 meetings( Monthly meetings plus WG)
- Monthly meetings 11 meetings 151 attendees( ALS and Guests) and 118 ALS members
- Looking forward to 2016
- Organizing the Information Webinars for new and missing in action members
- Clean up the database of missing organizations and special invites to information webinars planned in January and Feb
- Names of organizations with One or Zero attendance- 16 organizations ( 18 are active)
- Manitoba E Association
- Nova Scotia Community Access Program
- Web 405
- Online News Association
- ISOC Special needs
- American AtLarge
- Privaterra
- Communautique
- Open Media
- Privatera
- ISOC Colorado
- Youth helping Youth
- All except Alan Greenberg of the Unaffiliated members are absent
- Names of organizations with One or Zero attendance- 16 organizations ( 18 are active)
- Outreach to membership to get their involvement in policy work and working groups in new year
- Planning for ICANN PR when approved