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Meeting Number: AL.ALT/CC.0518/2


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ADIGO Passcode: 1638


Recording:      EN                     

Transcript:       EN



  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. GDPR Issues
  3. Geographic Names in the Subsequent New gTLD Procedures
  4. ICANN62 Preparation (preliminary agenda)
    1. An introduction to the ALAC (Yrjö)
    2. GDPR (one month later)
    3. Geographic Names (work track 5 matters)
    4. The ICANN Information Transparency Initiative and how it relates to the joint ALAC-GAC Abu Dhabi statement on lowering barriers
    5. Status and update on At-Large review
    6. The process for chartering organization evaluation of the Work Stream 2 recommendations
  5. AOB