• What is this about? During the ccNSO Members Meeting, the broader ccTLD community and all interested will meet, to discuss topics of common interest to the global country code Top Level Domain registries. The ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee is currently building the programme of the sessions as part of the ICANN71 ccNSO Members Meeting, held during the upcoming ICANN Policy Forum. More information will be posted as soon as it becomes available. • How to join? You must be registered and signed in to view the ICANN71 schedule and participation details. Sign up today to join us for ICANN71. All public sessions during the ICANN Meeting will have a Zoom Meeting 'virtual room' link posted in the session description on the schedule page. The participation links will not post until 24-hours prior to the session start time. • Recordings Zoom recordings are posted on the ICANN org schedule platform within the session description of each session as soon as they become available, which is generally the same day as the live session, by the end of the day or within 12 hours of the session conclusion.