Members: Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Donna Austin; Graeme Bunton; Fatima Cambronero; Olivier Crepin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; Avri Doria; Lise Fuhr; Robert Guerra; Erick Iriarte; Paul Kane; Elise Lindeberg; Vika Mpisane; Seun Ojedeji; Greg Shatan
Participants: Guru Acharya; Carolina Aguerre; Paradorn Athichitsakul; Wale Bakare; Martin Boyle; Becky Burr; Mark Carvell; Alissa Cooper; Phil Corwin; Stephanie Duchesneau; Amr Elsadr; Lars-Erik Forsberg; Tomohiro Fujisaki; Chuck Gomes; Alan Greenberg; Don Hollander; Tony Holmes; Stacey King; Yasuichi Kitamura; Mwendwa Kivuva; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben; Pitinan Kooarmornpatana; Brenden Kuerbis; Cheryl Langdon-Orr; Allan MacGillivray; Camino Manjon-Sierra; Kieren McCarthy; Desiree Miloshevic; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; Seun Ojedeji; Plamena Popova; Leon Sanchez; Matthew Shears; Maarten Simon; Peter Van Roste; Suzanne Woolf; Jiankang Yao
Staff: Grace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Marika Konings; Bernard Turcotte; Theresa Swinehart
Apologies: Jonathan Robinson; Byron Holland; Fouad Bajwa; Mathieu Weill;
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- All provide comments on RFP 2A
- Sub-team to complete RFP 2A, and send out by end of this week
- Staff to consolidate comments
The transcript of the call is available here: Meeting5_4Nov.doc
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: :
The audio recording is available here:
CWG-IANA Stewardship-Naming Related Functions_20141102.pdf
CWG-PrinciplesandCriteriaV1 0.pdf
IANA CWG RFP Section 1 Proposal 1 Nov 14.docx
IANA Stewardship Transition CWG RFP Section 2A Proposal - 3 Nov 14.docx
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Welcome all! The meeting will start in 20min.
Grace Abuhamad:@Eduardo: It's now on the meeting page under the "documents presented" header: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/DizxAgD4TeBQ
Grace Abuhamad:@Robert -- I send calendar invites to every individual of the CWG for each meeting
Grace Abuhamad:Yes @Fatima: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/UQ3xAgTYHeBQ
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Grace!
Grace Abuhamad:Here is link to the DT Charter: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/4935909897714224/Enhancing%20ICANN%20Accountability%20FINAL%20-%20Clean%20-%20Charter%20-%20updated%203%20November%202014.docx?api=v2
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Grace