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Members:  Alan Greenberg, Alice Munyua, Athina Fragkouli, Becky Burr, Bruce Tonkin, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Eberhard Lisse, Fiona Asonga, Izumi Okutani, James Bladel, Jordan Carter, Julia Wolman, Leon Sanchez, Mathieu Weill, Robin Gross, Roelof Meijer, Samantha Eisner, Sebastien Bachollet, Steve DelBianco, Suzanne Radell, Tijani Ben Jemaa

Participants:  Avri Doria, David McAuley, Hubert Schoettner, Isaque Joaquim, Jonas Koelle, Jonathan Zuck, Kavouss Arasteh, Keith Drazek, Lars Erik Forsberg, Macolm Hutty, Manal Ismail, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Rishabh Dara, Seun Ojedeji, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Wolf Ulrich Knoben, Yasuichi Kitamura

Staff:  Theresa Swinehart, Alice Jansen, Grace Abuhamad, Josh Baulch, Nathalie Peregrine, Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Adam Peake, Bart Boswinkel


**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


Next Step after the break will be to identify sequence -- a few things that we can operationalize soon with the transition in mind.


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Chat Transcript

Sivasubramanian M: If the introspective answer does not satisfy, then a way out is to find a way to pick people who could be fair and neutral and bring them together in the form of a Transition Committee or LT Accountability Oversight body, and then give them such powers. Such a body could include a few people from the CCWG A
