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PARTICIPATION Apologies: Karen Day, Arsène Tungali, Bruna Martins dos Santos |
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RECORDINGS GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
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Notes/ Action Items Action Items and Notes GNSO GAC Liaison candidate evaluation on Monday, 15 July 2024, 18:00 UTC [Action Items]
- N/A
- There were 2 candidates: Sebastien Ducos, Sophie Hey. - The survey tool received 5 responses from the SSC members, but the tool is only a guide for the discussion, not to make a determination. - See attached file (pdf) for survey results - Ranking from the survey results:
- If no objections, a motion will proceed for the GNSO Council to vote at the 8 August Council Meeting - Plenty of time as the GAC Liaison’s role/activity does not go into effect until the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024. - Staff to send a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Sebastien Ducos as the nominee, with Sophie Hey as alternate, and ask for non-objection in 48 hours. (~17 July). ACTION ITEM: GNSO Support Staff to send a Consensus Call email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Sebastien Ducos as the GNSO GAC Liaison nominee, with Sophie Hey as alternate, and ask for non-objection in 48 hours.
- The current list (below) went through without objections and now is in motion - A placeholder motion was submitted on 8 July and now amended (15 July) with 7 nominees and an alternate for the GNSO Council’s consideration (in the order of ranking):
*Hector Ariel Manoff as alternate, if the need were to arise - The names were submitted in the order of ranking just in case there are more than 21 candidates from each SO/AC to help make the choice/selection simpler. - Technically, the SSC’s selection process for PHR is now complete and no further work is needed from SSC on the PHR candidate selection process. However, once the nominations are received, each SO/AC Chair now needs to review the list of nominated applicants for final selection.
- There are no more meetings scheduled for SSC in the immediate future as there are no further selection processes planned.