Made By: James Bladel
Seconded by: Keith Drazek & Julf Helsingius
1. Per its Charter, the Project Cost Support Team (PCST) has supported the CCWG-Accountability in developing a draft budget and cost-control processes for the CCWG-Accountability activities for FY17, and has also developed a historical analysis of all the transition costs to date (see https://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/pdfpklU5q6Ojg.pdf).
Made by: James Bladel
Seconded by: Amr Elsadr
As stated in Section 1.1(a) of Article 6 of the new ICANN Bylaws, concerning the composition and organization of the Empowered Community (EC), “The Empowered Community (“EC”) shall be a nonprofit association formed under the laws of the State of California consisting of the ASO, the ccNSO, the GNSO, the ALAC and the GAC (each a “Decisional Participant” or “associate,” and collectively, the “Decisional Participants”).”
3. Rejection of the modification to procedure that implements the WHOIS conflicts with privacy law policy recommendation, because it is not consistent with the intent of the policy recommendation.
Made by: Stephanie Perrin