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Agenda for GNSO Council Meeting – 16 February 2012 Date: 16 February 2012

This agenda was established according to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures approved 22 September 2011 for the GNSO Council and updated.


GNSO Council meeting audiocast

Item 1: Administrative matters (10 minutes)
1.1    Roll Call


1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
•    19  January  2012 GNSO Council minutes --approved on 16 February 2012.

1.5. GNSO Pending Projects List


3.1   Presentation of Final Issue Report (Marika Konings)

Refer to motion:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocouncilmeetings/pages/111051454/Motions+16+February+2012

3.2   Reading of the motion (Stéphane Van Gelder)
3.3   Discussion
3.3   Vote


A motion was presented at the Jan 19, 2012 meeting, but was withdrawn to give Staff and Council more time to fine tune. A new motion is presented today.

Refer to motionhttps://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocouncilmeetings/pages/111051454/Motions+16+February+2012

4.1 Reading of the motion (Yoav Keren).
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Vote


1.    Sending their proposed letterhttps://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocouncilmeetings/pages/111051454/Motions+16+February+2012
as a joint letter to the Board.

2.    If the GNSO does not approve option 1, the ccNSO will send a letter on its own. In that case, the GNSO must decide on what it wants to do, as we had approved sending a joint letter before

5.1 Update by staff (X Y)Edmon Chung - JIG Co-chair
5.2 Discussion
5.3 Next steps


At the Jan 19 Council meeting, it was suggested that our weekend sessions need to be focussed more on preparation work for the Council's week and less on updates. This is a discussion item on the proposed agenda.

Costa Rica Weekend schedule

6.1 Update and presentation of agenda (Wolf Ulrich Knoben)
6.2 Agenda for GNSO Council meeting with the Board
6.3 Agenda for GNSO Council meeting with the GAC
6.4 Agenda for GNSO Council lunch with the ccNSO
6.5 Discussion


A GNSO Drafting Team is working on a charter to determine how to handle the protection of RC and IOC names under the new gTLD program. This agenda item is to provide the Council with an update on that work.

7.1 Update by staff (X Y)Jeff Neuman - Drafting Team Chair
7.2 Discussion

Item 8: GNSO liaison to the ccNSO (5 minutes)
