Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.12 BDB 0212/1
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Comment participer a cette teleconference
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Please note new Adobe Connect room to be used from this teleconference onwards: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/afralo
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/afralo
EN: Pastor Peters, Titi Akinsanmi, Mohamed El Bashir, ShaarawyMoatazFR: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Aziz Hilali, Hadja Ouattara, Etienne Tshitshimbi, Michel Tchonang, Yaovi Atohoun, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Dave Kissoondoyal, Janvier Ngnoulaye
Apologies: Didier Kasole, Alioune Traore, Baudoin Schombe, Sofia Guerfali
Staff: Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Heidi UllrichInterpreter: Camila and Claire
A G E N D A (Français)
1. Appel - 2 minutes
3. Consultations Publiques Ouvertes - (Fatimata, Tijani, Staff) - 10 minutes
See: At-Large Policy Development page
| Délai : 02 Mars [23:59] |
3. Open Policy issues - (Fatimata, Tijani, Staff) - 10 minutes
See: At-Large Policy Development Page