Team: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Drew Bagley, Stan Besen, Kaili Kan, Fabro Steibel, Calvin Browne, Jordyn Buchanan, Calvin Browne, David Taylor, Dejan Djukic, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Jamie Hedlund, Kaili Kan, Laureen Kapin, Gaonglalwe Mosweu, Drew Bagley, Megan Richards, Waudo Siganga, Fabro Steibel, David Taylor, Jonathan Zuck
Staff: Alice Jansen, Eleeza Agopian , Margie Milam, Mike Brennan, Karen Mulberry, Pamela Smith, Brenda Brewer, Brian Aitchison, Karen Lentz
Observers: Crescent Ezekwu
1. Welcome, roll-call, SOI
2. Competition & Consumer Choice -
• Progress update
• Confirm list of topics and data requests
• Work plan
3. Safeguards & Trust -
• Progress update
• Confirm list of topics and data requests
• Work plan
4. Progress update on studies and surveys
5. Report of coordination call with New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG & next steps -https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/CCT/Coordination+with+New+gTLD+Subsequent+Procedures+PDP+WG
6. Application & evaluation data
7. Data from CENTR - follow–up
8. A.O.B
- ACTION ITEM - Subteams to discuss and adopt work plans
- ACTION ITEM - Create a subgroup focused on determining why candidates dropped out. Categories: incumbent registrars and registries, large brands, developing
world developing world. Members: Calvin, Jonathan - Waudo - Carlos - ACTION ITEM - Identify list of withdrawals and lists of inquiries.
- ACTION ITEM - Staff to look at outreach
- ACTION ITEM - sub team (Jonathan, Carlton...) on under-served markets
- ACTION ITEM - Eleeza to compare registries to the registry back-end providers they chose to see if they are in geographically similar or the same locations.
Gaonglalwe Mosweu